4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (2024)

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (1)If you have an interesting story to tell, but lack the time or the desire to write it, there’s a simple solution: hire a ghostwriter.

So many people live fascinating lives, accumulating stories that would awe and fascinate readers, but yet they don’t feel comfortable doing all the writing.

Look, writing isn’t easy. Even thebest writers will admit this. For instance,James Patterson doesn’t really write his own books anymore. So get some help.

What’s more,unless you choose to include “as told to” and your ghostwriter’s name under your name on the byline, no one has to know you hireda ghostwriter.

4 Tips When Hiringa Ghostwriter

1. Find a Professional

Do they have a nice website? Have they done this before? Do they offer a contract? Make sure you’re hiring a professional rather than a newbie.

When you reach out to potential ghostwriters, they will tell you about themselves and their work and offer you a proposal.

2. Pick Someone You’re Comfortable With

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (2)

Youwill be spilling your deepest darkest parts of your immortal soul to this person. Please make sure you feel comfortable with them.

They shouldnot make you feel anxious, nervous, or awkward. They should not be creepy.

They should be nice, professional, and easy-going. You’re going to spend a lot of time with this person, so youwant to establish trust and comfort.

3. Find a Ghostwriter in Your Price Range

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (3)You can easily spend $80,000 on a ghostwriter. But if you’re not prepared to spend $80,000, maybe you want to find someone more in the $10,000 – $15,000 range.

Of course, if you were thinking of spending something crazy lowlike $2000, then you’re probably better off trying to do it yourself.No real ghostwriter charges fees that low. (At least not for a full book — if you just want a short story, then that’s a different matter).

4. Determine the Length of Your Book

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (4)Some people just want more of a novella — 30,000 words. Other memoirwriters want 120,000 words.

Most books are in the 70,000 – 80,000 word range. Figure out the rough length of your story, or let your ghostwriter estimate for you.

Since length determines price, this is very important to figure out early in the process.

7 Dangers to Avoid When Hiring a Ghostwriter

There are some sites devoted to telling you why you shouldn’t hire a ghostwriter. Those sites are usually trying to sell you a how-to manual for writing your own memoir. Look, the truth is that everyone is selling something—including you, trying to sell your story to a wider audience. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Still, these are the obvious dangers you should avoid:

1. Avoid Ghostwriters Who Outsource

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (5)You are hiring someone to write your book. So you are outsourcing the writing. But how do you know that your ghostwriter isn’t outsourcing the work again to a novice writer, working for pennies, who might not be up to the job?

You want your memoir written by someone who is talented, experienced, and who speaks and writes Englishflawlessly.

2. The Contract Should Have the Details

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (6)Make sure your contract says that your ghostwriter is the actual writer.

Also, check whether the contract has a specific time frame. You don’t want your manuscript half done or postponed forever.

If there a confidentiality clause? Mostly likely no one will steal your story (it’s your life, after all), but sometimes it’s nice to know that the ghostwriter isn’t going to blab about your story to everyone they meet.

3. Getting Lost with a Big Company

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (7)There are many writing “companies”that have a large staff of full-time or freelance writers. They may advertise they have ghostwriters who have authored the memoirs of Frederick Douglass or Madonna’s second cousin. If you’re willing to pay the big bucks, this might be worth it. But don’t get bounced around. Make sure you get personalized service from whoever is working with you. Make sure you’re working with one person rather than with a disorganized team.

As my grandma said, “If it smells like fish and doesn’t have gills, it’s rotten.” (Actually my grandma never said that. I ghostwrote that for her).

4. There Should be a Standard for Revisions

You should get some say in how to revise, but not have the possibilities of endless revision. After you read it, you probably will be happy with what the ghostwriter has done, but there are always some changes you want. Make sure it says in the contract that revisions are part of the ghostwriting process.

5. Your Ghostwriter Should Sound Like You

If you speak in short, slow sentences, your ghostwriter should write the way you talk. If you use ten dollar polysyllabic words, your ghostwriter should have a great vocabulary so they can sound like you.

You don’t want a book that doesn’t sound like you at all.

6. Your Ghostwriter Should Have a Professional Website

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (8)Most of the ghostwriting websites out there look like they were designed in 1999.

Just know that if your ghostwriter accepts ugliness on their website, they’re going to accept ugliness in your book.

7. Avoid Ghostwriters Who Promise Too Much

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (9)

Your book should not be written in two weeks or a month. It takes time to write a good book, to do the research and craft the right story.

Also, avoid ghostwriters who promise your book will sell to a major publisher or get on the bestseller list. Ghostwriters can’t promise you anything other than giving you an accurate and beautiful version ofthe story you tell them.

Want to find a ghostwriter today?

Bookfox has theright ghostwriter for your project.

Click here to see how your idea for a book can be made a reality.

What’s the Process Once You Get a Ghostwriter?

1. Contract Signing. This will be important to protect both your story and the ghostwriter’s work. All costs should be explained up front, and your contract should state specifically that the copyright reverts to you upon the full or final payment.

2. Primary Payment. The initial payment for most ghostwriters will be required up front, before the work actually starts. This is a show of good faith, and it guarantees that your ghostwriter will be paid for time invested in the project. (Be wary, however, of a ghostwriter who asks for the full payment up front. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re about to get hosed, but you want to be wary. Very wary.)

3. Interview Round. Kind of like in Miss America but, you know, giving the real story. Here is where you and the ghostwriter will have a series of phone or Skype sessions, which your ghostwriter will record and later transcribe. You can also exchange emails, adding in any further anecdotes or stories you may think relevant to your memoir.

4. Note Taking and Shape Making. This is where you and your ghostwriter will develop an outline. The outline may be changed at some point, but it will help you and your ghostwriter determine the overall arc for the narrative of your memoir.

5. Writing! Your ghostwriter will now make the magic happen. Each ghostwriter will have a different pace and a different timeline. Some are efficient or will only take on one project at a time and their turnaround time will be only a few months. Some take longer, and their timelines for finishing your project can be ten months to a year. You’ll want to work out your general timeline up front.

6. Editing and Revising. I generally send some sample pages early on so that my clients can get a sense of the style and shape of the memoir and can make certain suggestions or simply give the thumbs up. Again, different ghostwriters will have variations on their timeline, but they will give you large portions of the manuscript for you to review and make your recommendations for edits. During this time, further payments will be required.


4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (11)What’s the difference between a memoir and an autobiography?

Memoirs don’t tell your story from birth to old age. They aren’t chronological and they don’t include everything. Memoirs usually focus on an interesting section of your life, starting at an exciting point and then concluding when that section is done.

Ultimately, memoirs are character-driven: readers want to care about you.

Can I give you my journals or blogs to include in the book?

I would love any resources you have about your life, anything that you’ve written like diaries. They probably won’t make it in the book verbatim, but they will be invaluable for research purposes, and they will help me shape your story.

One client of minehad an extensive blog that I drew upon for information. I didn’t use her exact words, but I did use many of the details she had written down.

What if I don’t want certain parts of my story to be made public?

That is between you and your ghostwriter. It’s your story; you control what information goes out into the world. That being said, sometimes ghostwriters might encourage their clients to go into the harder, more painful details, if it helps to develop the narrative.

What do I need to give a ghostwriter?

Three Things:

  1. Information — the story of your life.
  2. Time — it takes time to write a good memoir or book.
  3. Feedback — read the early drafts and tell your ghostwriter what you like and dislike.

What Do Ghostwriters Actually Cost?

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (12)If you do research online, you will see that reputable ghostwriters are not going to write your 200-page memoir for $500. The price range will often depend on the length of the manuscript and the type of story to be told.

While each ghostwriter has a preference (per word or per hour or for the whole project), the average rate for ghostwriting a full-length manuscript is $10,000-$15,000. But if you want to hire a top-of-the-line one, they willcharge $30,000 –$80,000. Hillary Clinton’s ghostwriter supposedly got $500,000 — that’s right, a cool half million dollars.

Payments are usually made in three or four installments, the first one beforethe start of the project.

Figure out the method by whichyou pay your ghostwriter.

Some ghostwriters charge by the hour, but this means that the price might be higher than you expected for thewhole project, and it’s difficult to abandon ship halfway through (but it also might be lower than expected, so hourly rates could swing both ways).

Many ghostwriters charge by the length. There are two ways to charge by the length:

  • By the word — if the book is 80,000 words long, they get X amount of money.
  • By the page — if the book is 200 pages, double-spaced in Times New Roman, they get X amount of money.

Virtually no ghostwriters earn money by getting a percentage of the profits. Consider what you do for work: would you work for 3 or 4 months at your job in the hopes that maybe a year or two later you might get paid? Please do not offer to split royalties with your ghostwriter instead of paying them a living wage.

Sometimes a small percentage of the advance or of the royalties is promised to theghostwriter, but this is always in addition to their earnings, not instead of it.

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (13)So where does this leave you?

If your story needs to be told, hire a ghostwriter today.

Maybe your memoir will become a bestseller, or maybe it just will provide amazing memories to your children and to your community.

Maybe, like most writers, you will burst if you do not get this story out into the world. In this crazy world, stories do still matter, and our experiences have their own currency.

Remember thatit’s never too late to write your own history. With a little help from a ghost.

Last Chance:

Contact us today to make your idea for a book into a reality…

4 Tips For Hiring a Ghostwriter and 7 Dangers to Avoid - Bookfox (2024)


Can a ghostwriter steal your story? ›

A reputable ghostwriter will not steal your story. They would not even think of doing so.

Is it bad to hire a ghostwriter? ›

As long as you're upfront about the arrangement with your ghostwriter and you aren't using hostwritten content to mislead people, there's nothing wrong with it.

What to look for when hiring a ghost writer? ›

Assess Writing Samples and Portfolios

Check to see if they have written books under their name or if they served as a staff editor for a publishing house or literary agency. If they tell you about books they have ghostwritten in the past, look for a mention of them in the book's acknowledgments.

Why is ghostwriting bad? ›

When you ghostwrite, you write work that will be published under someone else's name. You can't get mad, as you know that going in. But it can be unnerving seeing your work without any credit. But, that's the thing, not only is someone else getting credit, but you're not.

Is ghostwriting dishonest? ›

The core issue of ghostwriting can be summarized in one word: dishonesty. Paying someone else to pass off their words as your own without giving proper credit is dishonest.

How much should you pay a ghost writer? ›

Ghostwriting fees for a book could be charged hourly ($30 to $200), per word ($1 to $3) or per project ($5,000 to $100,000 and even more, depending on the writer's accomplishments and genre). More experienced ghostwriters tend to charge per project, with additional hourly fees if the project scope expands.

Who pays for a ghostwriter? ›

Instead, nearly every ghost is paid upfront directly by their client (or, more often, the client's company) on a work-for-hire agreement. As the author client, then, you retain all rights and all future profits from your book.

What is the average cost of a ghostwriter? ›

Average ghostwriting fees

According to Reedsy data from 2023, a professional ghostwriter costs between $6,500 and $42,000 for nonfiction books, $3,500 to $16,000 for novels, and $1,500 to $5,000 for picture books. The pricing will depend on the ghostwriter's experience and your specific book genre.

What are the disadvantages of ghostwriting? ›

Con: Ghostwriting costs money. One of the obvious drawbacks to ghostwriting is the cost. It can be cost prohibitive for many people to spend $25,000 or $30,000 or more to have someone help you write your book.

When should I hire a ghostwriter? ›

Here are just a few reasons someone might choose to use a ghostwriter.
  • Sharing your expertise when you don't write well. ...
  • You already have a name but don't have enough time to write. ...
  • Creating lots of content for your brand. ...
  • You don't have the exact expertise.
Apr 10, 2024

Is hiring a ghostwriter expensive? ›

If a ghostwriter charges hourly, the cost of a book could be between $30 to $200 per hour, depending on the project's scope. Per-word rates for this type of work typically range from $1 to $3.

How can you tell if a book is ghostwritten? ›

The most obvious sign is when there are two authors named on the cover or title page. As in: by Very Famous Person with Joe Bloggs. More likely than not, Joe is our ghost. However, if Very Famous Person is alone on the cover, take a look at the acknowledgements inside.

How do I find a reputable ghost writer? ›

Freelance writer marketplaces are one of the richer sources of ghostwriters for hire, although you'll still have to search through many different profiles to find good candidates. Reedsy is the best platform I know of for hiring high-quality book ghostwriters.

How many hours does it take to ghost write a book? ›

Just as the cost of ghostwriting is affected by several different factors, so is the length of time required to get the project completed. This can be anywhere from 30 days to nine months, depending on the process used and the unique obstacles involved.

Can a literary agent steal your idea? ›

If an agent, editor, or publisher really wanted to steal your book, they would still need to rewrite it to avoid a plagiarism lawsuit. This takes time and lots of it. The reality is, industry professionals don't have the time to steal your idea.

Do ghostwriters own copyright? ›

Thus, the person who commissioned the work owns the actual work, but the copyright remains with the creator unless there is a contract stating otherwise. “Despite ghostwriters generally owning the copyright over their works, they are also required by their contracts to waive their moral right of attribution under Sec.

How do I protect my story from being stolen? ›

How to Protect your Work from Plagiarism
  1. Save and Date all Original Work. The first thing you want to do is make sure that you save, date, and make copies of all of your original work. ...
  2. Register with the U.S. Copyright Office. ...
  3. Add Copyright Notices to Blogs. ...
  4. Use Plagiarizer-Catching Tools.

Can someone steal my story? ›

If you publish a blog post, article, book or anything else, whether through a big media company, traditional publisher, or your own blog or self-publishing company, the pirates will likely find you. These may be individual people stealing your book, changing a few words and republishing it under their name.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.