Command Line vs. GUI (2024)

Updated: 08/16/2021 by Computer Hope

Command Line vs. GUI (1)

Users not familiar with a CLI (command-line interface) or GUI (graphical user interface) may want to know the pros and cons of each to help determine what works best for them. Others may be curious about the differences between the two. The following list goes through the advantage and disadvantage in each category.

  • Ease
  • Control
  • Multitasking
  • Speed
  • Resources
  • Scripting
  • Remote access
  • Diversity
  • Strain
  • Overall conclusion
  • Related information


CLI - Due to a higher degree of memorization and familiarity needed for operation and navigation, new users find operating a command line interface more difficult than a GUI.

GUI - Because a GUI is visually intuitive, users learn how to use a GUI faster than a CLI.

Bottom line: For a new computer user, they'll find using a GUI easier than a command line.


CLI - Users have a good bit of control over both the file and operating systems in a command line interface. However, for new or novice users, it's not as user-friendly as a GUI.

GUI - A GUI offers a lot of access to files, software features, and the operating system as a whole. Being more user-friendly than a command line, especially for new or novice users.

Bottom line: Most computer users find they have more control of controlling and using the operating system with a GUI. However, more advanced users may find they have more control using the command line. Also, more complicated tasks may not be possible using a GUI.


CLI - Although many command line environments are capable of multitasking, they do not offer the same ease and ability to view multiple things at once on one screen.

GUI - GUI users have windows that enable a user to view, control, manipulate, and toggle through multiple programs and folders at the same time.

Bottom line: A GUI offers the user more capabilities with multitasking than a CLI.


CLI - Command line users only need to utilize a keyboard to navigate the interface, often resulting in faster performance.

GUI - While modern GUIs are fast and efficient, they require a mouse, so you must move your hand from the mouse to the keyboard to type. For many users, taking your hand off the keyboard to move the mouse pointer is slower than using a CLI, which requires only the keyboard.

Bottom line: A command line performs many tasks faster and can be faster at doing certain tasks on a computer.


CLI - A computer that's only using the command line takes a lot less of the computer's system resources than a GUI.

GUI - A GUI requires more system resources because of the elements that require loading, such as icons and fonts. Video, mouse, and other drivers need to be loaded, taking up additional system resources.

Bottom line: A computer that's only using a command line interface doesn't require as many system resources as GUI.


CLI - A command line interface mostly requires users to already know scripting commands and syntax, making it difficult for new or novice users to create scripts.

GUI - Creating scripts using a GUI has become easier with programming software, which allows users to write the scripts without having to know all the commands and syntax.

Bottom line: Scripting in a CLI requires more knowledge of all of the commands required in the script. However, once these commands are known, it's easier and often faster to create scripts and automate common tasks.

Remote access

CLI - When remotely accessing another computer or device over a network, a user can manipulate the device or its files with a command line interface. However, you must know the commands to do so, and it's not as easy for new or novice users.

GUI - Remotely accessing another computer or server is possible in a GUI and easy to navigate with little experience. IT (information technology) professionals often use a GUI for remote access, including the management of servers and user computers.

Bottom line: Depending on what the user is most familiar with using may affect what they find best. However, not all computers support a remote GUI connection; for these connections you'd need to know the command line.


CLI - After you've learned how to navigate and use a command line, it's not going to change as much as a new GUI. Although new commands may be introduced, the original commands often remain the same.

GUI - Each GUI has a different design and structure with performing different tasks. Even different iterations of the same GUI, such as Windows, can have hundreds of different changes between each version.

Bottom line: Someone skilled with the command line can use almost any command line without learning many new commands. However, a GUI user needs to learn many new things when switching between a GUI because the UI often changes between versions.

For example, a user who learned the Linux command line 20 years ago can still use the Linux command line today without needing to learn more. However, someone who learned a GUI from 20 years ago would be starting over. In other words, if you learned how to use a computer using Windows 3.11, you'd need to re-learn how to use Windows 10 because the UI (user interface) is so different.


CLI - A command line interface is often basic and can be more of a strain on a user's vision. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can also be a bit of a risk when using a command line interface because users are only using a keyboard. There's little need to change hand positions that adds more strain to the wrists.

GUI - The use of keyboard shortcuts and more frequent movement of hand positions, due to switching between a keyboard and a mouse, wrist strain may be reduced. Visual strain can still be a risk, but a GUI has more colors and is more visually appealing, leading to a potential reduction in visual strain.

Bottom line: Any long term use on either the CLI and GUI is going to cause stress. However, a GUI user experiences less stress because its often less work (typing) to perform common tasks.

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Overall conclusion

Today, a GUI is used by more users than a CLI. Computer programmers and system administrators may lean towards using a CLI for efficiency and speed, but the GUI is more user-friendly and preferred by most users.

For anyone that frequently works with computers, we highly recommend learning both the CLI and GUI. Knowing how to navigate in both helps you use the computer more efficiently and helps with troubleshooting when the GUI may not be available.

  • How to use the Windows command line (DOS).
  • Linux shell tutorial.
  • Other comparisons of computer-related terms.
  • Full list of operating system terms.
  • Operating system help and support.
  • MS-DOS and Windows command line help and support.
  • Linux command line help and support.
Command Line vs. GUI (2024)


Is command line more effective than GUI? ›

Higher precision of work can be obtained using CLI. GUI offers a lower level of precision. It works at a higher speed as compared to the GUI. It works at a much slower speed as compared to the CLI.

What are the 3 main advantages of using the command line over the GUI? ›

The CLI provides higher precision, functionality, and granular control of the OS or application. The GUI has the advantage of visually displaying the available functions. However, since it relies on a graphical display, GUI offers lower precision and functionality than CLI.

What is a GUI Why was this more successful than the old command line interface? ›

GUI permits users to use the graphics to interact with an operating system. In the graphical user interface, menus are provided such as windows, scrollbars, buttons, wizards, painting pictures, alternative icons, etc. It's intuitive, simple to find out, and reduces psychological feature load.

Why is GUI preferred over command line? ›

GUIs offer better multitasking and control

A GUI offers a lot of access to files, software features, and the operating system as a whole. Being more user-friendly than a command line (especially for new or novice users), a visual file system is utilized by more people.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a CLI versus GUI? ›

Command-line interfaceGraphic-user interface
Faster and more accurateSlower and less accurate
Only the keyboard is required for the inputBoth keyboard and mouse can be used for input
Less memory required for storageMore memory required as visual components are involved
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What are the benefits of using the terminal instead of the GUI? ›

In comparison to graphical interfaces, terminals provide quick access to all available commands, making it easier and faster to perform complex tasks. They also enable users to work directly with any part of the system, including files, processes, memory locations and other resources.

What are 3 advantages of using the command line to control a computer? ›

The most notable are:
  • Speed: CLI enables you to execute commands quickly. ...
  • Resources: CLI requires fewer computing resources to execute commands than a graphical interface.
  • Repetitive Tasks: CLI is effective in automating repetitive tasks and ou can create a batch file to automate tasks at any given time.
Mar 1, 2023

What is the difference between GUI vs command line explain? ›

The main difference between a CLI and a GUI is that a CLI requires users to type commands in order to interact with the computer system, while a GUI allows users to interact with the computer system by using graphical elements.

What are advantages of GUI? ›

The graphical User Interface is visually very appealing and detailed oriented. It ensures that people with little or even no knowledge of computers can use it and perform basic computer functions. Graphical User Interface is easy to use since it does not require the user to use any command.

What are some pros and cons of a command-line interface? ›

3. Command Line Interface
This type of interface needs much less memory (RAM) in order to use compared to other types of user interfacesCommands have to be typed precisely. If there is a spelling error the command will fail
4 more rows

What is a major disadvantage in a command system? ›

Disadvantages of Command Economy

Lack of incentives: In a command economy, the government controls all the means of production and makes all the decisions about what goods and services will be produced. This can lead to a lack of incentives for innovation and entrepreneurship, which can hinder economic growth.

Are there any advantages to running scripts from the command line rather than via the GUI? ›

One major advantage of CLI is that, with practice, configuration can be far faster compared to a GUI. With a few textual commands, a user can configure interfaces, routing protocols and access lists. These items would require multiple mouse clicks and hunting for proper pages and tabs in a GUI.

Why do so many Linux users prefer the command line to a GUI? ›

The command line is simple. Input is simple text, output is simple text. That means that input/output can be processed easily and digested. The command line does not require feedback, and is often non-interactive.

Is CLI more flexible than GUI? ›

CLIs are usually accessed through a terminal or a console, where users type commands and see the output. CLIs are more powerful, flexible, and efficient than GUIs, as they can perform complex operations with a single line of code, automate tasks with scripts, and access low-level system functions.

Which is faster Cui or GUI? ›

However, the processing speed of CUI is faster than that of the GUI, and it requires less memory space. One needs to have sufficient expertise of commands in order to use a CUIbased system, which makes it less user−friendly. Common examples of CUI include MSDOS, Windows command prompts, and UNIX.

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