Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (2024)

The content of this page is taken from the "Stress Analysis Manual," Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, October 1986. Other related chapters from the Air Force "Stress Analysis Manual" can be seen above.

Cases 1 through 9 of Table 5-3 give reaction forces and moments on rectangular frames, both of whose uprights are pinned; and such frames with both uprights fixed are treated by cases 9 through 18 of this table. Table 5-4 gives reaction forces and moments on trapezoidal frames. The first four cases treat such frames with both uprights pinned at the ends, and cases 5 and 6 treat trapezoidal frames with fixed- ended uprights. Table 5-5 gives reaction forces and moments on triangular frames.

CaseFrameForces & Moments1Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (1)
$$ V_A = { P b \over L } $$$$ V_B = P - V_A $$
$$ H_A = H_B = { 3 P L \over 8 h (2K + 3) } $$

For Special Case: \( a = b = L/2 \)

$$ V_A = V_B = {P \over 2} $$Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (2)
$$ H_A = H_B = { 3 P L \over 8 h (2K + 3) } $$2Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (3)
$$ V_A = { wb (b + 2c) \over 2L } $$$$ V_B = wb - V_A $$
$$ H_A = H_B = { wb [6ac + b(3L - 2b)] \over 4hL(2K+3) } $$

For Special Case: \( a = c = 0 \), \( b = L \)

$$ V_A = V_B = {wL \over 2} $$Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (4)
$$ H_A = H_B = { wL^2 \over 4h(2K + 3) } $$3Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (5)
$$ V_A = { wbd \over 2L } $$$$ V_B = { wb \over 2 } - V_A $$
$$ H_A = H_B = { 3wb \over 4Lh (2K + 3) } \left( dL - { b^2 \over 18 } - d^2 \right) $$

For Special Case: \( a = 0 \), \( b = L \), \( d = { L \over 3 } \)

$$ V_A = {wL \over 6} $$$$ V_B = {wL \over 2} $$Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (6)
$$ H_A = H_B = { wL^2 \over 8h(2K + 3) } $$4Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (7)

$$ V_A = -V_B = { -M \over L } $$

$$ H_A = H_B = { 3 (b - L/2) M \over Lh (2K + 3) } $$

5Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (8)

$$ V_A = -V_B = { -Pa \over L } $$

$$ H_B = { Pa \over 2h } \left[ { bK(a+h) \over h^2 (2K+3) } + 1 \right] $$

$$ H_A = H_B - P $$

6Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (9)

$$ V_A = -V_B = { w(b^2 - a^2) \over 2L } $$

$$ H_B = { w (a^2 - b^2) \over 4h } + { K [ w (a^2 - b^2) (2h^2 - a^2 - b^2) ] \over 8 h^3 (2K + 3) } $$

$$ H_A = H_B + w(b-a) $$

For Special Case: \( b = 0 \), \( a = h \)

$$ V_A = -V_B = { -wh^2 \over 2L } $$Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (10)

$$ H_B = { wh \over 4 } \left[ 1 + { K \over 2 (2K + 3) } \right] $$

$$ H_A = H_B - wh $$

7Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (11)

$$ V_A = -V_B = {w \over 6L} (2a + b) (b-a) $$

$$ H_B = { -V_A L \over 2h } + { K X_{10} \over h (2K + 3) } $$


$$\begin{eqnarray}X_{10} &=& { w \over 120 h^2 (a-b) } ~[-30 h^2 b (a^2 - b^2) \nonumber \\&+& 20 h^2 (a^2 - b^2) + 15 b (a^4 - b^4) - 12 (a^5 - b^5)]\end{eqnarray}$$

$$ H_A = H_B + { w (b-a) \over 2 } $$

For Special Case: \( b = 0 \), \( a = L \)

$$ V_A = -V_B = { -wh^2 \over 3L } $$Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (12)

$$ H_B = { wh \over 10 } \left({ 4K+5 \over 2K + 3 }\right) $$

$$ H_A = H_B - {wh \over 2} $$

8Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (13)

$$ V_A = -V_B = {-w \over 6L} (a^2 + ac - 2c^2) $$

$$ H_B = { -V_A L \over 2h } + { K X_7 \over (2K + 3)h } $$


$$\begin{eqnarray}X_7 &=& { w \over 120 h^2 (d-c) } ~[3 (4d^5 + c^5) - 15h (3d^4 + c^4) \nonumber \\&+& 20 h^2 (2d^3 + c^3) - 15cd^2 (2h-d)^2 ]\end{eqnarray}$$

For Special Case: \( b = c = 0 \), \( a = d = h \)

$$ V_A = -V_B = { -wh^2 \over 6L } $$Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (14)

$$ H_B = { wh \over 12 } \left[ 1 + { 7K \over 10(2K + 3) } \right] $$

9Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (15)

$$ V_A = -V_B = { -M \over L } $$

$$ H_A = H_B = { 3 [ K(2ab + a^2) + h^2 ] M \over 2h^3 (2K + 3) } $$

10Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (16)
$$ V_A = { Pb \over L } \left[ 1 + { a(b-a) \over L^2 (6K+1) } \right] $$$$ V_B = P - V_A $$

$$ H_A = H_B = { 3Pab \over 2Lh(K+2) } $$

$$ M_A = {Pab \over L} \left[ {1 \over 2(K+2)} - { (b-a) \over 2L(6K+1)) } \right] $$

$$ M_B = {Pab \over L} \left[ {1 \over 2(K+2)} + { (b-a) \over 2L(6K+1)) } \right] $$

For Special Case: \( a = b = L/2 \)

$$ V_A = V_B = P/2 $$Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (17)

$$ H_A = H_B = { 3PL \over 8h(K+2) } $$

$$ M_A = M_B = { PL \over 8(K+2) } $$

11Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (18)
$$ V_A = {wcd \over L} + { X_1 - X_2 \over L(6K + 1) } $$$$ V_B = wc - V_A $$

$$ H_A = H_B = { 3 (X_1 + X_2) \over 2h(K+2) } $$

$$ M_A = { X_1 + X_2 \over 2(K+2) } - { X_1 - X_2 \over 2(6K + 1) } $$

$$ M_B = { X_1 + X_2 \over 2(K+2) } + { X_1 - X_2 \over 2(6K + 1) } $$


$$ X_1 = {-wc \over 24L} \left[ {24d^3 \over L} - {6bc^2 \over L} + {3c^2 \over L} + 4c^2 - 24d^2 \right] $$

$$ X_2 = {wc \over 24L} \left[ {24d^3 \over L} - {6bc^2 \over L} + {3c^2 \over L} + 2c^2 - 48d^2 + 24dL \right] $$

For Special Case: \( a = 0 \), \( c = b = L \), \( d = L/2 \)

$$ V_A = V_B = { wL \over 2 } $$Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (19)

$$ H_A = H_B = { wL^2 \over 4h(K+2) } $$

$$ M_A = M_B = { wL^2 \over 12(K+2) } $$

12Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (20)
$$ V_A = {wcd \over 2L} + { X_3 - X_4 \over L(6K + 1) } $$$$ V_B = {wc \over 2} - V_A $$

$$ H_A = H_B = { 3 (X_3 + X_4) \over 2h(K+2) } $$

$$ M_A = { X_3 + X_4 \over 2(K+2) } - { X_3 - X_4 \over 2(6K + 1) } $$

$$ M_B = { X_3 + X_4 \over 2(K+2) } + { X_3 - X_4 \over 2(6K + 1) } $$


$$ X_3 = {-wc \over 2L} \left[ {d^3 \over L} + {c^2 \over 9} + {51c^3 \over 810L} + {c^2b \over 6L} - d^2 \right] $$

$$ X_4 = {wc \over 2L} \left[ {d^3 \over L} + {c^2 \over 18} + {51c^3 \over 810L} - {c^2b \over 6L} - 2d^2 + dL \right] $$

For Special Case: \( a = 0 \), \( c = b = L \), \( d = L/3 \)

$$ V_A = { wL \over 6 } \left[ 1 - {1 \over 10(6K+1)} \right] $$$$ V_B = { wL \over 3 } \left[ 1 + {1 \over 20(6K+1)} \right] $$Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (21)

$$ H_A = H_B = { wL^2 \over 8h(K+2) } $$

$$ M_A = { wL^2 \over 120 } \left( {5 \over K+2} + {1 \over 6K+1} \right) $$

$$ M_B = { wL^2 \over 120 } \left( {5 \over K+2} - {1 \over 6K+1} \right) $$

13Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (22)

$$ V_A = -V_B = { -6 (ab + L^2 K) M \over L^3 (6K + 1) } $$

$$ H_A = H_B = { 3 (b-a) M \over 2Lh (K+2) } $$

$$ M_A = M \left\{ { 6ab(K+2) - L[ a(7K+3) - b(5K-1) ] \over 2L^2 (K+2) (6K+1) } \right\} $$

$$ M_B = M + M_A + V_A L $$

14Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (23)

$$ V_A = -V_B = { -3 P a^2 K \over Lh(6K+1) } $$

$$ H_B = {Pa \over 2h} \left[ {h \over b} - { h + b + K(b-a) \over h(K+2) } \right] $$

$$ H_A = H_B - P $$

$$ M_A = {Pa \over 2h} \left[ {-b (h + b + bK) \over b(K+2)} - h + {3aK \over 6(K+1)} \right] $$

$$ M_B = {Pa \over 2h} \left[ {-b (h + b + bK) \over b(K+2)} + h - {3aK \over 6(K+1)} \right] $$

15Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (24)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (25)16Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (26)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (27)
Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (28)17Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (29)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (30)
Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (31)18Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (32)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (33)
CaseFrameForces & Moments1Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (34)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (35)2Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (36)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (37)3Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (38)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (39)4Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (40)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (41)5Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (42)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (43)6Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (44)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (45)
CaseFrameForces & Moments1Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (46)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (47)2Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (48)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (49)3Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (50)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (51)4Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (52)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (53)5Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (54)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (55)6Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (56)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (57)7Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (58)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (59)8Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (60)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (61)9Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (62)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (63)10Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (64)Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (65)

Given: The trapezoidal frame shown in Figure 5-14.

Find: The reaction forces and bending moments.

$$ F = { I_2 \over I_1 } \left({s \over b}\right) = { 1.5 \over 1 } \left({5 \sqrt{5} \over 15}\right) = 1.12 $$$$ G = 3 + 2F = 3 + 2(1.12) = 5.24 $$

$$ V_A = { P(a + d) \over L } = { 1000 (5 + 7.5) \over 25 } = 500 ~\text{lb.} $$$$ V_B = P - V_A = 1000 - 500 = 500 ~\text{lb.} $$$$ H_A = H_B = { P \over 2h } \left( a + { 3 c d \over b G } \right) = { 1000 \over 2(10) } \left[ 5 + { 3(7.5)(7.5) \over 15(5.24) } \right] = 357 ~\text{lb.} $$

A free-body diagram may be constructed for a section of the frame leg, as shown in Figure 5-15. Equating the sum of the moment to zero gives

A free-body diagram may now be drawn for a section of the horizontal portion of the frame to the left of the load as in Figure 5-16. Equating the sum of the moments to zero gives

By considering symmetry, the moment diagram of the given frame may be drawn as shown in Figure 5-17.

Formulas for Simple Frames | Engineering Library (2024)


What is the formula of frame? ›

The perimeter \(p\) of a rectangle is equal to two times the sum of its length \(l\) and breadth \(b\). The formula to represent the relation between perimeter, length, and breadth of a rectangle is \(p=2(l+b)\).

How do you solve a frame analysis? ›

The general steps for analysing a determinate frame are: Use equilibrium to find all reaction forces. Split the frame into separate members. Any point load or moment which acts directly on a joint between two or more members must be placed on only ONE of the members when they are split up.

What are the four types of frames? ›

The four frames -- structures, symbols, people, and power -- are different lenses for understanding an organization (Bolman & Deal, 2008). In particular, they can be used together as a way to operationalize culture within a STEM department, because they draw attention to key areas of focus (Reinholz & Apkarian, 2018).

What is the frame method? ›

Motivational interviewing in supervision maximizes focus and positive change by developing action plans and addressing ambivalence toward change. Motivational interviewing uses a guide toward change called FRAMES; the acronym stands for Feedback, Responsibility, Advice, Menu Options, Empathy and Self-Efficacy.

What is frame and example? ›

An example of frame is the enclosed wood structure that holds a picture hanging on a wall. noun. To frame means to put together, form, shape or compose.

What is framing problem solving? ›

Problem framing is a problem-solving method that's designed to align the entire team with one solution for a project by structuring the issue's details in a digestible and collaborative way. So, when your team can't agree on a solution, use this play to take a step back and align on the problem you are solving for.

What is frame in engineering? ›

A frame or a machine is an engineering structure that that contains at least one member that is not a two-force member. Figure 5.6. 1: This horizontal beam is connected to other members (where normal forces would exist) at more than two locations. This beam is therefore not a two-force member.

What is frame analysis in engineering? ›

We analyse the frame by breaking it down to its members and joints to “reveal” their corresponding N, V, and M. The directions of such are assumed. Then, we apply the equations of equilibrium for every member and connection of the structure and model N, V, and M using equations or diagrams.

How is support force calculated? ›

Support Force Formula

To calculate a support force, add together the masses at either end of the beam/lever and then multiply by the acceleration due to gravity.

How do you find the degree of indeterminacy of a frame? ›

The equation for degree of static indeterminacy = (m + t) - 3j is true for which of the following frames, where m is the number of unknown member forces, r is unknown reaction components and j is the number of joints?

What are the 5 frame structures? ›

There are five main forms of structural frames: Plain Frame, Structural Frame, Space Frame. Monocoque and Semi-Monocoque. These are structures created in two dimensions. An example is seen opposite.

What size is a 3 frame? ›

The A3 size print measures 29.7 x 42.0cm, 11.69 x 16.53 inches, if mounted 40.6 x 50.8cm, 15.98 x 20 inches.

What is a 3d frame called? ›

Most often, the type of frame used to frame 3-D objects is a shadowbox. A shadowbox is an enclosed, glass front picture frame that is deeper than standard picture frames and is designed to store and display your precious mementos such as pieces of clothing, jerseys, and any other three dimensional object.

What is 4 frame model? ›

The four frames they proposed were; Structural, Human Resource, Political and Symbolic. The idea here is to keep your approach to leadership open, don't restrict yourself with one frame. As leader, make your own judgement call on the most appropriate behaviour in that moment or organisation.

What are the two types of frame? ›

In general, there are two main categories of frame structures, namely the braced frame structure and rigid frame structure.

What are the parts of a frame? ›

The four most important framing components are the moulding (material the frame is made of), the matboard, the glaze and backing. The moulding is purely aesthetic whereas the glaze, matboard and backing serve a critical function in conservation.

What is frame in automation testing? ›

Predominantly, it embeds the content from other web pages to the current webpage in HTML. It increases the reusability of web pages in an application. Key to identify the frame. HTML provides an IFrame tag for performing this operation.

What is frame simple? ›

Definition of frame

(Entry 1 of 3) 1a : the physical makeup of an animal and especially a human body : physique, figure. b : something composed of parts fitted together and united. 2a : the underlying constructional system or structure that gives shape or strength (as to a building) b : a frame dwelling.

What is frame short answer? ›

A frame is a single, still image displayed by the computer, video hardware, or software application and part of a larger sequence of images that make up a video or computer game. Border, Frame grabber, Game terms, Network terms, Packet, Software terms, Video card terms.

What is a frame answer? ›

A frame is a digital data transmission unit in computer networking and telecommunication. ... A frame typically includes frame synchronization features consisting of a sequence of bits or symbols that indicate to the receiver the beginning and end of the payload data within the stream of symbols or bits it receives.

What is framing and its types? ›

Framing can be of two types, fixed sized framing and variable sized framing. Here the size of the frame is fixed and so the frame length acts as delimiter of the frame. Consequently, it does not require additional boundary bits to identify the start and end of the frame. Example − ATM cells.

Why we use framing method? ›

Framing is a point-to-point connection between two devices that consists of a wire in which data is transmitted as a stream of bits. When the frame size becomes large, a packet is divided into a small frame. These smaller-sized frames enable error control and flow control more efficiently.

What is the width formula? ›

If you have the area A and length h , its width w is w = A/h . If you have the perimeter P and length h , its width is w = P/2−h . If you have the diagonal d and length h , it's width can be found with w = √(d²−h²) .

What is the formula for width and length? ›

To calculate the length and width of a rectangle first, calculate the value of width 'w' by using the area of rectangle formula that is, 'w = A/l'. Then substitute the value of width in the formula of the perimeter of a rectangle and simplify the value of length 'l', that is, P = 2 (l + A/I).

What is the formula for area? ›

Area and Perimeter Formula Chart
FiguresArea FormulaVariables
Area of RectangleArea = l × wl = length w = width
Area of SquareArea = a2a = sides of the square
Area of a TriangleArea = 1/2 b×hb = base h = height
Area of a CircleArea = πr2r = radius of the circle
2 more rows
30 Sept 2020

What is frame diagram? ›

A Diagram Frame element is a rendition of a diagram dropped from the Project Browser into another diagram. It is a type of Combined Fragment with an 'Interaction Operator' ref. However, it can be created on any type of diagram, and is not created in the same way as other Combined Fragments.

Which is called frame? ›

A frame is a digital data transmission unit in computer networking and telecommunication. In packet switched systems, a frame is a simple container for a single network packet. In other telecommunications systems, a frame is a repeating structure supporting time-division multiplexing.

What is A-frame structure examples? ›

A frame structure is a very sturdy structure, often quite tall, which is typically made up of beams, columns and slabs. Natural frame structures include coral, trees, spider webs and skeletons. Man-made frame structures include scaffolding, chairs, tables, bridges and bicycles.

What is axial force in frame? ›

4.3 Sign Convention. 4.3.1 Axial Force. An axial force is regarded as positive if it tends to tier the member at the section under consideration. Such a force is regarded as tensile, while the member is said to be subjected to axial tension.

What is N in structural engineering? ›

SI Units for Structural Engineers
PrefixSymbolMultlplying factor
2 more rows
12 Sept 2017

What is a frame design? ›

An A-frame house is a building with a tall, triangular roof that resembles the capital letter "A." Typically, an A-frame is a two-story or three-story structure with a wide first-floor living area, a smaller second story above the living room, and a tiny top floor that serves as a sleeping loft.

What is the frame in math? ›

In linear algebra, a frame of an inner product space is a generalization of a basis of a vector space to sets that may be linearly dependent. In the terminology of signal processing, a frame provides a redundant, stable way of representing a signal.

What is frame method? ›

Frame analysis (also called framing analysis) is a multi-disciplinary social science research method used to analyze how people understand situations and activities. Frame analysis looks at images, stereotypes, metaphors, actors, messages, and more.

What is a frame in physics? ›

In physics, a frame of reference consists of an abstract coordinate system and the set of physical reference points that uniquely fix the coordinate system and standardize measurements within that frame.

What is frame rate equation? ›

To calculate the frame rate for any clock rate the equation is: 1. (# of Lines + 24) * 2100 * clock rate(ns)) = # Frames Per Second.

What are 10 frames used for? ›

Ten frames are an amazing tool used in kindergarten and first grade to help your children understand counting, place value (e.g. where the digit in a number is), adding, subtracting, and more.

What is a 5 frame in math? ›

What are Five and Ten Frames? Five and ten frames are equal-sized rectangular boxes in a row where each box is large enough to hold a counter. The five frame is arranged in a 1-by-5 array. A ten frame is a set of two five frames or a 2-by-5 array.

What are two methods of framing? ›

Types of Framing

Framing can be of two types, fixed sized framing and variable sized framing. Here the size of the frame is fixed and so the frame length acts as delimiter of the frame. Consequently, it does not require additional boundary bits to identify the start and end of the frame.

Which method is used to set size of frame? ›

The setBounds() method is used in such a situation to set the position and size. To specify the position and size of the components manually, the layout manager of the frame can be null.

What is the formula for average velocity? ›

Velocity (v) is a vector quantity that measures displacement (or change in position, Δs) over the change in time (Δt), represented by the equation v = Δs/Δt.

What is γ if V 0.650 C? ›

If v=0.650c. Solution: γ = 1/√1−v2/c2. =1/√1−(0.650c)/c2. = 1.32.

What are the 3 most common frame rates? ›

As a filmmaker, it will be one of the first settings you choose — 24, 25, 30. Universally, 24fps is accepted as the norm for a “cinematic” frame rate. 30fps is accepted for broadcast in North America, and 25fps is the broadcast standard in Europe.

How do you calculate speed from frames? ›

When you view the video frame by frame, and calculate the distance an object moves from one frame to the next, you can calculate the speed of that object. If the object (e.g. the hand) moves 2 inches between frames, the equates to a speed of 4.2 feet/sec.

What is frame rate example? ›

For example, 24fps would equal 1/24ths per second while 50fps would equal 1/50ths per second. Film is typically shot at 24 frames per second while TV can be anywhere from 25-30 depending on the country and frame rates for video games range from 20-60fps.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.