Jumpstart Deep Sea Escape Rated M (2025)

1. JumpStart Deep Sea Escape

  • Bevat niet: m | Resultaten tonen met:m

  • JumpStart Deep Sea Escape is a game for the Nintendo DS released in 2011. This game was produced using Autodesk Maya 3D animation software. It teaches various concepts mainly for ages 5-8. In this game, players explore an underwater world to rescue a stranded submarine. Along the way, players must collect oxygen tanks, solve puzzles, and defeat water monsters. At the beginning of the game, the player's submarine crashes in the Deep Sea. While the friendly sea serpent Jean Claude helps repair the

2. JumpStart Deep Sea Escape (2011) - Backloggd

  • 15 mrt 2011 · In this game, players explore an underwater world to rescue a stranded submarine. Along the way, players must collect oxygen tanks, solve puzzles, and defeat ...

  • JumpStart Deep Sea Escape is a game for the Nintendo DS released in 2011. It teaches various concepts mainly for ages 5-8. In this game, players explore an underwater world to rescue a stranded submarine. Along the way, players must collect oxygen tanks, solve puzzles, and defeat water monsters.

3. JumpStart: Deep Sea Escape Reviews - Metacritic

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  • JumpStart Deep Sea Escape is designed for kids ages 5-8 as it invites players to embark on an underwater adventure to rescue a stranded submarine.

4. JumpStart: Escape from Adventure Island (2009) - MobyGames

5. Jumpstart Deep Sea Escape (Nintendo DS) - Desertcart

  • 3.8 ratings & 8 reviews. E***H. 5.0 out of 5 stars Great game ! My 5 year ... A***M. 1.0 out of 5 stars Disappointing. Not easy to play, poor graphics, not ...

  • Shop Jumpstart Deep Sea Escape (Nintendo DS) online at best prices at desertcart - the best international shopping platform in Cyprus. ✓FREE Delivery Across Cyprus. ✓EASY Returns & Exchange.

6. JumpStart: Deep Sea Escape - Video Game Music - 101 Soundboards

  • Video game music from JumpStart: Deep Sea Escape for DS. Published by Knowledge Adventure (2011). .

7. JumpStart: Deep Sea Escape for Nintendo DS - Playasia

  • Bevat niet: m | Resultaten tonen met:m

  • JumpStart: Deep Sea Escape for Nintendo DSAs players hunt for oxygen tanks to rescue the sub and escape, they'll uncover hidden games, solve puzzles and defeat water monsters in an amazing aquatic world. Along the way, players can practice number recognition, critical thinking, spelling, addition, rounding, synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech and much more. JumpStart Deep Sea Escape is the fun, portable way to brush up on skills for scho

8. Browsing Video Game Holdings(items starting with Ju) | MSU Libraries

  • Jump Start: Deep Sea Escape. - Nintendo DS. Game not yet cataloged. Request that "Jump Start: Deep Sea Escape" be cataloged. Jump Super Stars. (Nintendo Co. Ltd ...

  • Ju-On: The Grudge

9. List of JumpStart Games

  • your experience! adult. I'm an adult. kid. I'm a kid. Advertisement. JumpStart ... JumpStart Deep Sea Escape, World Series, Nintendo DS, 2011.

  • This is a list of all JumpStart games. By default, the games are sorted by their exact release dates (from earliest to latest). The table headers can be used to sort the games in other ways, such as by their sub-series. Three home videos were created based on the series. They either had their content reused in, or had content that was reused from, other games: JumpStart Preschool: Who Left the Juice in the Caboose? JumpStart Kindergarten: Why Did the Bus Stop? JumpStart Jukebox Bundles Books Toy

10. Jumpstart Computer Games - Walmart

  • Jumpstart Deep Sea Escape (Nintendo DS). $1995. current price $19.95. $22.17/ea ... Mature 17+. Add. Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition - Xbox One. Grand ...

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  • Shop The Best Jumpstart Deep Sea Escape (Nintendo DS)-7743 - Jumpstart Deep Sea Escape invites players to embark on an underwater adventure to rescue a stranded submarine. As players hunt for oxygen tanks to rescue the sub and escape, they'll uncover hidden games, solve puzzles, and defeat water monsters in an amazing aquatic world. Along the way, players can practice number recognition, spelling, critical thinking, addition, rounding, synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, and m online at best prices at desertcart - the best international shopping platform in Albania. ✓FREE Delivery Across Albania. ✓EASY Returns & Exchange.

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  • SBE or M ... escape, a place to meditate away from the rush of daily activities. Manatee Lagoon Visit the Manatee Lagoon to see and learn about the Florida's "sea ...

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  • Eight small lobsters are needed to complete one pound of lobster tails and the local markets normally absorb undersized products. Lobster extraction by deep-sea ...

15. Search Results for: jumpstart in ScummVM Games - Emuparadise

  • JumpStart Deep Sea Escape (US) ROM System: Nintendo DS Size: 9.7M. JumpStart - Legend of Lost Island (US) ROM System: Nintendo DS Size: 9.6M ...

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Jumpstart Deep Sea Escape Rated M (2025)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 6471

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.