Latest Job CV Format BD 2023 For Job in Bangladesh (2025)

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Latest Job CV Format BD 2023 For Job in Bangladesh (1)

cv format bd

CV Format BD is very important now.According to wikipedia Its an outlook of a candidate. Everyone needs cv format. who’re looking for a cv. Here, in this article, I going to discuss about job cv format bd fresher.

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. You are in the right place. I here provide the no1# link of download doc file and all necessary item. Read the article carefully.

Part#1: Why Need a Curriculum Vitae[CV Format BD]?

Cv is needed for any job. Its help a person to got his/her desire job. Now-a-days Cv format bd is important in Bangladesh. In our Country, educated person are increasing day by day. A statistics shows, Every 3 months, more than 40,000 student are graduating. So what, CV is important very much. More than 2 thousand job circular are publishing. Every company needs experienced person. But they don’t know if you are experienced or not. Into your CV, If you write your experience, Then authority understood this. If you Have a updated curriculum vitae cv format bd, then you are right person for job. Thats why cv format bd is very much needed. If you wanted to order cv format, you can contact us in facebook.

Latest Job CV Format BD 2023 For Job in Bangladesh (2)

If you are a new graduate or fresher, You need an updated cv. Where all latest information about yourself are included.

Part#2: Kinds of CV format in bangladesh

There are many kinds of CV format in Bangladesh. Like- fresher cv format, bank job cv format bd, Teacher cv format bd, multimedia cv format bd, engineering job cv format in bangaldesh, marriage cv format in bd, etc. But avobe all, Some important format are rapidly searching in google. These are-

What u include into your CV? [♦Important♦]

You need to include eight things into your cv. These thing are very sensitive. If you include these your cv will be best format ever. Into your cv format bd, dont exclude these. Below are appear-

  • Personal information
  • Personal profile like-contact no,email,address etc
  • Your Educational quailfication
  • Achievement
  • Training you have done.
  • Experience you have earned previous.

CV format for job in bd sample-01

Mst.Shetara Yesmin
Scientific Officer,IWM division
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI),
Gazipur -1701
Contact No.: +880-1710119733


To serve in a challenging and dynamic position in a growth oriented organization with a
vision of development where job satisfaction and career development could be achieved and
to build myself as a agricultural engineer to enhance my networking as well as skill to
participate in sophisticated research in the concerned field.

Experience cv format bd:

Working as a scientific officer at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Irrigation and Water
Management Division, Gazipur from 10 July 2013.
Educational Qualification:
Master of Science in Farm Power and Machinery(MS in FPM)
Institution : Bangladesh Agricultural University
CGPA : 3.414 (out of 4)
Passing Year : June, 2013
Medium of Instruction : English
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (B.Sc. Ag. Engg.)
Institution : Bangladesh Agricultural University
CGPA : 3.545 (out of 4)
Merit position : 7th
Passing Year : 2011
Medium of Instruction : English

Major Subjects :

Fluid Mechanics, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Groundwater
Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Environmental Engineering, Soil and Water
Conservation Engineering, Pumps and Wells, On-Farm WaterManagement,

Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.)
Institution : Bhurungamari college
Board : Rajshahi
Passing Year : 2005
Obtained GPA : 4.20 (out of 5)
Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.)
Institution : Bhurungamari nehal uddin girls high school
Board : Rajshahi
Passing Year : 2003
Obtained GPA : 4.38 (out of 5)


Organization Year Duration Name of the Programme
Mons. Days
Agricultural Research
Institute (BARI),
Gazipur, Bangladesh
2014 19 to 22April 4 (Four) Use of Farm Machinery and
Efficient Irrigation System
Bangladesh Rice
Research Institute
2014 12 to 17 April 6 (Six) Rice Production, Communication
and office management Training
Bangladesh Rice
Research Institute
2013 —– 3 (Three) Utilization of Bangladesh Rice
Knowledge Bank Training
Bangladesh Rice
Research Institute
2013 —– 7(Seven) advanced training on Drawing
and Design Agricultural
Equipment by AutoCAD
Bangladesh Rice
Research Institute
2013 —– 3 (Three) Training on Experiment Design,
Layout and Statistical Analysis
Agricultural University
2013 March to
30(Thirty) Communicative English
Agricultural University
2011 3 to 14 April 12(Twelve) Basics of MS office
Agricultural University
2010 13 to 18
6(Six) A field trip on “Agricultural
Extension Education”

Language Proficiency:

Good at speaking and writing in both Bengali and English.

Computer Skills:

Programming Language : Turbo C, C++
Office Suit : MS word, MS Excel, PowerPoint
Operating System : Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Special Software : AutoCAD (2D), Makesens trend model

Personal Information:

Name : Mst.shetara yesmin
Father’s Name : Md. Shahjahan Ali
Mother’s Name : Mst.Anoara Khatun

Permanent address:

Village:Kamatangaria, Post Office: Bhurungamari, Upazila:
Bhurungamari, District: Kurigram.
Mailing address : Scientific Officer,IWM division
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI),
Gazipur -1701
Date of birth : 20th Feb1988
Place of birth : Kurigram
Nationality : Bangladeshi (by birth)
National ID No. : 6125221271954
Religion : Islam(Sunni)
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Married
Blood group : A (+ ve)
Height : 5’1”
I do hereby state that the above statements are authentic to the best of my knowledge.

Latest Job CV Format BD 2023 For Job in Bangladesh (3)

Part#4: CV format bd 2023 Doc files | Download Sample-2

Latest Job CV Format BD 2023 For Job in Bangladesh (4)

latest cv format bd

Name: Md. Moinur Rashid

Contact address|

Mobile: [ 01834252328] E-mail: []

Personal Profile

[Enter your Personal Profile Statement]


  • [Schoolarship in Entrance examination]
  • [BITM Certificate on SEO]
  • [Certification on Computer Programming]


[From 2014– To 2018] [B.Sc in CSE] [Port City International University]

Earned CGPA: [3.00 out of 4.00]

[From 2011 – To 2013] [H.S.C] [Sitakunda University College]

GPA: [3.90]

[From 2009 – To 2010] [SSC] [Teriail High School]

Grade Point: [4.38]

Work Experience

[From 2019 – To 2021] [Job Position |: IT] [Brac]

My Main duties was to check computer related device like- cpu,monitor,router etc

[From 2018 – To 2019] [Teacher] [Rose Garden High School]

Skills: Computer Typing

Technical: Hardware

Interpersonal: Here you can enter your interpersonal skill


Hobbies and Interests

[Briefly outline your hobbies and interests (particularly those that are related to the job you are applying for)]


[Referee 1 full name]

[Job position / company name]

Address: [here can enter address]

Tel: [Must enter your referee telephone number]

Email: [Mail Address]

[Referee 2 full name]

[Position/ company name]

Address: [ Second referee address]

Tel: [Mobile number]

Email: [Referee 2 email address must be entered.]

Latest Job CV Format BD 2023 For Job in Bangladesh (5)

Part#4: CV format in Ms word bd | Download Sample-3

Full name: Your Full Name

Contact Address|

Phone number • Email address

Personal Profile[Insert here]
Career Objective[Insert here]
Experience[Date] [Job Title] [Company Name]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Date] [Job Title] [Company Name]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Date] [Job Title] [Company Name]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

Education[Date] [Course] [Institution Name]

[Qualification gained (level)]

[Date] [Course] [Institution Name]

[Qualification gained (level)]

[Date] [Course] [Institution Name]

[Qualification gained (level)]

Skills and AchievementsAchievements:

[Insert achievement]

[Insert achievement]

[Insert achievement]


[Insert skill]

[Insert skill]

[Insert skill]

Interests[Briefly outline your hobbies and interests (particularly those that are related to the job you are applying for)]
References[Referee 1 full name]

[Job position / company name]

Address: [insert here]
Tel: [insert here]

Email: [insert here]

[Referee 2 full name]

[Job position / company name]

Address: [insert here]

Tel: [insert here]

Email: [insert here]

Latest Job CV Format BD 2023 For Job in Bangladesh (6)

Part#5: CV format bd for fresher | Download Sample-4

Your tag line goes here



Your address | Your email | You phone

Personal Profile[Insert here]
Career Objective/Summary[Insert here]
Work Experience[Date] [Job Title] [Company Name]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Date] [Job Title] [Company Name]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Date] [Job Title] [Company Name]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

[Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed]

Education[Date] [Course] [Institution Name]

[Qualification gained (level)]

[Date] [Course] [Institution Name]

[Qualification gained (level)]

[Date] [Course] [Institution Name]

[Qualification gained (level)]

[Date] [Course] [Institution Name]

[Qualification gained (level)]

Skills and AchievementsAchievements:

[Insert achievement]

[Insert achievement]

[Insert achievement]


[Insert skill]

[Insert skill]

[Insert skill]

Interests[Briefly outline your hobbies and interests (particularly those that are related to the job you are applying for)]
ReferencesReferee 1 full name


(Work) Address

Telephone number

Email address

Referee 2 full name


(Work) Address

Telephone number

Email address

Latest Job CV Format BD 2023 For Job in Bangladesh (7)

Part#6: CV format bd for teacher | Download Sample-5

Full name

[Home address]

[Telephone number]

[Email address]

Personal Profile

[Insert personal profile here]

Career Objective

[Insert career objective here]





[From – To] [Name of the Course] [Name of the College]

Your Grade :

[From – To] [Name of the Course] [Name of the College]

GPA achieved:

[From – To] [Name of the Course] [Name of the College]

[List GCSE subjects and grades achieved]


[From – To] [Job Position] [Company name]

Write your main duties which you performed your pervious company

[From – To] [Job Position] [Company name]

Your main job deion which you perform.

[From – To] [Job Position] [Company name]

Write your 3rd perform information.





Hobbies and interests

[Insert hobbies and interests here]


[Referee 1 full name]

[Job position / company name]

Address: [insert here]

Tel: [insert here]

Email: [insert here]

[Referee 2 full name]

[Job position / company name]

Address: [insert here]

Tel: [insert here]

Email: [insert here]

Latest Job CV Format BD 2023 For Job in Bangladesh (8)

If you have any question please contact or commnet below the post. Thank you..

Latest Job CV Format BD 2023 For Job in Bangladesh (2025)


What is the latest format of CV? ›

What's the Best Job CV Format in 2022? The best CV format for a job in 2022 is, without a doubt, reverse chronological format. It puts your work experience and professional achievements at the heart of your job application, precisely what recruiters and hiring managers expect from a candidate.

Where can I download a CV template for free? ›

More Free CV Templates. Microsoft Office and Google Docs offer some excellent CV templates in their online repositories. But there is a huge array of CVs available from other sources just waiting to be discovered. Canva is an amazing source of free creative CV templates.

What is the best CV format in 2022? ›

In 99% of the cases, we'd recommend going with a reverse-chronological resume format. In 2022, it's the most common and useful format: Applicant tracking systems can read it without any problems. All recruiters and hiring managers are familiar with this format.

What format CV is best? ›

The reverse-chronological CV format is by far the queen of CV formats. It's the most widely used and the one that recruiters and hiring managers are most familiar with. In this format you focus on your work experience, with the most recent (or your present) jobs listed in the top of your experience section.

How do I write a CV for my first job? ›

Here are some steps you can take to create a resume for your first job.
  1. Pick the right layout. ...
  2. Match your experiences to the job listing. ...
  3. Focus on your education. ...
  4. Highlight volunteer work and extracurricular activities. ...
  5. List your technical and human skills. ...
  6. Write your resume objective. ...
  7. Related articles.
10 Aug 2022

How can I download my CV on my phone? ›

Use the Charging Cable for Android Smartphones

Start by plugging your phone into one of your computer's USB ports. You may see a dialog box asking what to do with it. When you see the dialog, select Open Files. Then you can click and drag the resume from your computer into your phone's storage.

How do I get my CV to PDF? ›

If you have written your resume in Microsoft Word, follow these steps to create a PDF:
  1. Click on “File” in the upper left-hand corner.
  2. Click on “Save As” in the menu that appears.
  3. When the box appears, click on the drop-down menu beside “file format.”
  4. Choose PDF from the menu.
  5. Click “Save.”

How can I make a simple CV online? ›

Build the future with your CV—
  1. Pick an online CV template. Choose the design and structure to get started.
  2. Fill in the blanks. Type in the key details about yourself. Let the Zety CV maker get the rest right.
  3. Customize it. Make it unique and truly yours.

How do I write a standard CV UK? ›

Let's look at these in detail below.
  1. CV Header. Essential contact information will be expected to be in the header of any CV format. ...
  2. Personal Statement. The short elevator pitch of the personal statement (or CV summary) is also included prominently in either format. ...
  3. Work Experience. ...
  4. Education. ...
  5. CV skills section.

What is the most popular CV format is used worldwide? ›

The chronological resume (also known as the reverse-chronological format) is the most popular format and the best resume format for experienced candidates. The chronological resume emphasizes your work history section, where you list information about current and past jobs with the most recent job first.

How do I write a professional CV UK? ›

CV tips
  1. research the company and the job before you start.
  2. choose a CV style that fits your situation or one that employers in that sector prefer.
  3. use a clear font like Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri, size 11 or bigger. ...
  4. use headings, bullet points and spacing to break information up to make it easier to read.

Should I send CV in Word or PDF? ›

The best format for your resume at the moment is a PDF. A PDF resume is readable by ATS and also keeps your formatting and illustrations in place. You can use an online resume builder like Enhancv which downloads your resume as a PDF.

What Colour is good for CV? ›

High contrast between the background and the letters makes reading easy. Black and white create the highest contrast possible, so it is considered one of the best color schemes to use on a resume. You can choose a pale background and intensive dark lettering.

How many page is best for CV? ›

The average length of a CV should be around two to three pages. Employers do not have strict requirements on a CV's length, but making the length of your CV two to three pages helps the hiring manager digest your experience for the position they're hiring for.

How do I write a CV for my first job with no experience? ›

How to Write a CV when you don't have work experience
  1. Have a great summary. Since you do not have any work experience to show employers, you need to demonstrate who you are in a short paragraph. ...
  2. Maximize on your Education. ...
  3. Include Internship experience (industrial attachment) ...
  4. Only include relevant Skills.
1 Aug 2016

How do I write a CV with no experience or qualifications? ›

How to Write a Great CV with No Work Experience
  1. Identify your most impressive qualities. via GIPHY. ...
  2. Open with a personal statement. via GIPHY. ...
  3. List skills rather than roles. via GIPHY. ...
  4. Don't forget “obvious” skills. via GIPHY. ...
  5. Treat your extra-curricular activities like jobs. via GIPHY. ...
  6. Play up your degree. ...
  7. Add some personality.

Do I need a CV for my first job? ›

2. Is a resume necessary for a first job? Depending on the region, a resume or CV is always necessary for a job application, be it the first or the 20th. Before deciding if they should call you for an interview, the recruiters need to have some insight into you and your skills.

Is online CV free? ›

Any online cv template you see is free. From your online CV, employers are able to contact you from any device with just a click as well as download your CV as a file.

Which app can I use to write my CV? ›

CV Maker is a full featured app based on the award winning Resume Maker. CV Maker makes writing professional curriculum vitae easy. We provide all the tools you need to write a high-quality CV that will get the attention of hiring managers. Our career experts track the latest trends in job and talent search practices.

Where can I make a CV online free? ›

With Canva's free resume builder, applying for your dream job is easy and fast. Choose from hundreds of free, designer-made templates and customize them within a few clicks. Forget spending hours formatting your resume, or choosing complimentary fonts for your cover letter.

Is it safe to put CV online? ›

Potential Pitfalls of Placing Your CV Online

The biggest issue with placing your CV online is privacy. Whilst the big job boards will have security in place to protect your CV, once an employer or recruiter has downloaded it, you have no control over where it will end up.

How do I find my CV online? ›

Search Google. To find the copies of your resume that show up publicly, search Google by your name and the word “resume.” If you posted your resume so anyone can view it, it should show up. You can also search a bit more specifically and include some keywords that you know are on your resume.

How do I email my CV from my phone? ›

To email a CV, follow these steps:
  1. Find and enter the recipient's work email address.
  2. Mention the reason for sending your CV in the subject line.
  3. Greet the recipient by name in the email and inform them who you are and why you're sending them your CV.
  4. Close the email politely and give your full name.
30 Nov 2021

How do I attach my CV to a job application? ›

Locate your resume file on your computer's hard drive. Click on the file's name to select it for attachment. Click the "Attach" or "Upload" button in the dialog box to add the resume to your online application. Confirm that your resume is attached to your application.

What not include in a CV? ›

The CV should be professional and should include your important data. Don't include the following information. These things are not necessary: age; ethnic identity; political affiliation; religious preference; hobbies; marital status; sexual orientation; place of birth; photographs; height; weight and health.

What are skills in CV? ›

What are the best job skills on a resume?
  • Computer proficiency.
  • Leadership experience.
  • Communication skills.
  • Organizational know-how.
  • People skills.
  • Collaboration talent.
  • Problem-solving abilities.
9 Jul 2022

Is there a free CV template UK? ›

myPerfectCV offers the best CV templates for the UK. Our graduate template is a choice for anyone writing a CV for the U.K market. These CV templates contain experience, skills, education and personal statement sections as standard.

How many pages is a UK CV? ›

Keep your CV concise and to the point. It should be no more than 2 pages of A4 unless you are applying for an academic / research post. Focus on your recent and most relevant experience and achievements. The employer wants to read a tailored CV focused on transferable experience, skills and achievements.

How do you list skills on a CV UK? ›

Decide on a skills section format
  1. List your skills on a functional CV. This option is good for people changing careers or those with little or no professional experience.
  2. List your skills in a separate skills section. ...
  3. Weave your skills into your professional experience section.

What are the 7 basic steps to writing a CV? ›

Here are seven steps you can follow to write the perfect resume:
  1. Choose a format. ...
  2. Start with your contact information. ...
  3. Include your professional profile. ...
  4. Summarize your education and experience. ...
  5. Highlight your skills. ...
  6. Include your certifications. ...
  7. Conclude with additional sections.

How much does it cost to write CV for UK? ›

Prices for CV writing range from £25 (for early career) to £175 (for niche professions). A mid-career CV – for those who have between three and 10 years' experience – is available for only £45. Bundles with CV, cover letter and LinkedIn profile are also available. The mid-career bundle is an investment of just £85.

How do I write a CV 2022 UK? ›

How to Write a Modern CV in 2022
  1. Ditch the objective and replace with a professional summary. ...
  2. Take advantage of keywords. ...
  3. Utilise your skills section. ...
  4. Remove old education dates. ...
  5. Be mindful when listing work experience. ...
  6. Structure your work experience so it fits the role. ...
  7. Remove personal information.

How can I make my CV stand out 2022? ›

Optimising your CV for 2022
  1. Add 2021 experience. This may sound obvious, but the last year has been anything but normal. ...
  2. Include soft skills. ...
  3. Mind the gaps. ...
  4. Refresh your CV summary. ...
  5. Remove outdated information. ...
  6. Check contact information.

What format should a CV be in UK? ›

The UK CV format requires your CV to be: A maximum of two pages long. In an A4 format. Either be a reverse chronological or a functional CV.

How does a 50 year old write a CV? ›

CV Writing Tips For The Over-50s
  1. Choose The Right Format. ...
  2. Tailor Your CV. ...
  3. Include A Professional Summary. ...
  4. Focus Your Experience Section. ...
  5. Account For Any Gaps. ...
  6. Showcase Your Accomplishments. ...
  7. Highlight Your Technology Skills.
18 Oct 2021

How many pages should CV be? ›

The average length of a CV should be around two to three pages. Employers do not have strict requirements on a CV's length, but making the length of your CV two to three pages helps the hiring manager digest your experience for the position they're hiring for.

How do I make a modern CV in Word? ›

How to Make a Resume in Word
  1. Access MS Word Templates.
  2. Make a Resume Header in Word.
  3. Add a Resume Objective/Summary.
  4. Write Your Experience Section in Word.
  5. Add Your Education Section.
  6. Add Skills to a Resume in Word.
  7. Add Additional Sections to Your Resume.
  8. Resume Fonts in Word.

How can you create very strong CV? ›

7 Simple But Effective Ways to Make Your CV Stand Out
  1. Start strong. Start with a summary of your skills and key accomplishments. ...
  2. Emphasize results rather than responsibilities. ...
  3. Customize for the job you want. ...
  4. Highlight changes and growth. ...
  5. Demonstrate that you are connected. ...
  6. Show industry insight. ...
  7. Use power words.

How do I make a CV with no experience? ›

How to Write a Great CV with No Work Experience
  1. Identify your most impressive qualities. via GIPHY. ...
  2. Open with a personal statement. via GIPHY. ...
  3. List skills rather than roles. via GIPHY. ...
  4. Don't forget “obvious” skills. via GIPHY. ...
  5. Treat your extra-curricular activities like jobs. via GIPHY. ...
  6. Play up your degree. ...
  7. Add some personality.

Should I send my CV as a PDF or Word? ›

The best format for your resume at the moment is a PDF. A PDF resume is readable by ATS and also keeps your formatting and illustrations in place. You can use an online resume builder like Enhancv which downloads your resume as a PDF.

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Article information

Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 5606

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.