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cv format bd
CV Format BD is very important now.According to wikipedia Its an outlook of a candidate. Everyone needs cv format. who’re looking for a cv. Here, in this article, I going to discuss about job cv format bd fresher.
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Also If you searchigcv format bd word file download
. You are in the right place. I here provide the no1# link of download doc file and all necessary item. Read the article carefully.
Part#1: Why Need a Curriculum Vitae[CV Format BD]?
Cv is needed for any job. Its help a person to got his/her desire job. Now-a-days Cv format bd is important in Bangladesh. In our Country, educated person are increasing day by day. A statistics shows, Every 3 months, more than 40,000 student are graduating. So what, CV is important very much. More than 2 thousand job circular are publishing. Every company needs experienced person. But they don’t know if you are experienced or not. Into your CV, If you write your experience, Then authority understood this. If you Have a updated curriculum vitae cv format bd, then you are right person for job. Thats why cv format bd is very much needed. If you wanted to order cv format, you can contact us in facebook.
√ If you are a new graduate or fresher, You need an updated cv. Where all latest information about yourself are included.
Part#2: Kinds of CV format in bangladesh
There are many kinds of CV format in Bangladesh. Like- fresher cv format, bank job cv format bd, Teacher cv format bd, multimedia cv format bd, engineering job cv format in bangaldesh, marriage cv format in bd, etc. But avobe all, Some important format are rapidly searching in google. These are-
What u include into your CV? [♦Important♦]
You need to include eight things into your cv. These thing are very sensitive. If you include these your cv will be best format ever. Into your cv format bd, dont exclude these. Below are appear-
- Personal information
- Personal profile like-contact no,email,address etc
- Your Educational quailfication
- Achievement
- Training you have done.
- Experience you have earned previous.
CV format for job in bd sample-01
Mst.Shetara Yesmin
Scientific Officer,IWM division
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI),
Gazipur -1701
Contact No.: +880-1710119733
To serve in a challenging and dynamic position in a growth oriented organization with a
vision of development where job satisfaction and career development could be achieved and
to build myself as a agricultural engineer to enhance my networking as well as skill to
participate in sophisticated research in the concerned field.
Experience cv format bd:
Working as a scientific officer at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Irrigation and Water
Management Division, Gazipur from 10 July 2013.
Educational Qualification:
Master of Science in Farm Power and Machinery(MS in FPM)
Institution : Bangladesh Agricultural University
CGPA : 3.414 (out of 4)
Passing Year : June, 2013
Medium of Instruction : English
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (B.Sc. Ag. Engg.)
Institution : Bangladesh Agricultural University
CGPA : 3.545 (out of 4)
Merit position : 7th
Passing Year : 2011
Medium of Instruction : English
Major Subjects :
Fluid Mechanics, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Groundwater
Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Environmental Engineering, Soil and Water
Conservation Engineering, Pumps and Wells, On-Farm WaterManagement,
Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.)
Institution : Bhurungamari college
Board : Rajshahi
Passing Year : 2005
Obtained GPA : 4.20 (out of 5)
Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.)
Institution : Bhurungamari nehal uddin girls high school
Board : Rajshahi
Passing Year : 2003
Obtained GPA : 4.38 (out of 5)
Organization Year Duration Name of the Programme
Mons. Days
Agricultural Research
Institute (BARI),
Gazipur, Bangladesh
2014 19 to 22April 4 (Four) Use of Farm Machinery and
Efficient Irrigation System
Bangladesh Rice
Research Institute
2014 12 to 17 April 6 (Six) Rice Production, Communication
and office management Training
Bangladesh Rice
Research Institute
2013 —– 3 (Three) Utilization of Bangladesh Rice
Knowledge Bank Training
Bangladesh Rice
Research Institute
2013 —– 7(Seven) advanced training on Drawing
and Design Agricultural
Equipment by AutoCAD
Bangladesh Rice
Research Institute
2013 —– 3 (Three) Training on Experiment Design,
Layout and Statistical Analysis
Agricultural University
2013 March to
30(Thirty) Communicative English
Agricultural University
2011 3 to 14 April 12(Twelve) Basics of MS office
Agricultural University
2010 13 to 18
6(Six) A field trip on “Agricultural
Extension Education”
Language Proficiency:
Good at speaking and writing in both Bengali and English.
Computer Skills:
Programming Language : Turbo C, C++
Office Suit : MS word, MS Excel, PowerPoint
Operating System : Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Special Software : AutoCAD (2D), Makesens trend model
Personal Information:
Name : Mst.shetara yesmin
Father’s Name : Md. Shahjahan Ali
Mother’s Name : Mst.Anoara Khatun
Permanent address:
Village:Kamatangaria, Post Office: Bhurungamari, Upazila:
Bhurungamari, District: Kurigram.
Mailing address : Scientific Officer,IWM division
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI),
Gazipur -1701
Date of birth : 20th Feb1988
Place of birth : Kurigram
Nationality : Bangladeshi (by birth)
National ID No. : 6125221271954
Religion : Islam(Sunni)
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Married
Blood group : A (+ ve)
Height : 5’1”
I do hereby state that the above statements are authentic to the best of my knowledge.
Part#4: CV format bd 2023 Doc files | Download Sample-2
latest cv format bd
Name: Md. Moinur Rashid
Contact address|
Mobile: [ 01834252328] E-mail: []
Personal Profile
[Enter your Personal Profile Statement]
- [Schoolarship in Entrance examination]
- [BITM Certificate on SEO]
- [Certification on Computer Programming]
[From 2014– To 2018] [B.Sc in CSE] [Port City International University]
Earned CGPA: [3.00 out of 4.00]
[From 2011 – To 2013] [H.S.C] [Sitakunda University College]
GPA: [3.90]
[From 2009 – To 2010] [SSC] [Teriail High School]
Grade Point: [4.38]
Work Experience
[From 2019 – To 2021] [Job Position |: IT] [Brac]
My Main duties was to check computer related device like- cpu,monitor,router etc
[From 2018 – To 2019] [Teacher] [Rose Garden High School]
Skills: Computer Typing
Technical: Hardware
Interpersonal: Here you can enter your interpersonal skill
Hobbies and Interests
[Briefly outline your hobbies and interests (particularly those that are related to the job you are applying for)]
[Referee 1 full name]
[Job position / company name]
Address: [here can enter address]
Tel: [Must enter your referee telephone number]
Email: [Mail Address]
[Referee 2 full name]
[Position/ company name]
Address: [ Second referee address]
Tel: [Mobile number]
Email: [Referee 2 email address must be entered.]
Part#4: CV format in Ms word bd | Download Sample-3
Full name: Your Full Name
Contact Address|
Phone number • Email address
Personal Profile | [Insert here] | |
Career Objective | [Insert here] | |
Experience | [Date] [Job Title] [Company Name] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Date] [Job Title] [Company Name] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Date] [Job Title] [Company Name] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] | |
Education | [Date] [Course] [Institution Name] [Qualification gained (level)] [Date] [Course] [Institution Name] [Qualification gained (level)] [Date] [Course] [Institution Name] [Qualification gained (level)] | |
Skills and Achievements | Achievements: [Insert achievement] [Insert achievement] [Insert achievement] Skills: [Insert skill] [Insert skill] [Insert skill] | |
Interests | [Briefly outline your hobbies and interests (particularly those that are related to the job you are applying for)] | |
References | [Referee 1 full name] [Job position / company name] Address: [insert here] Email: [insert here] [Referee 2 full name] [Job position / company name] Address: [insert here] Tel: [insert here] Email: [insert here] | |
Part#5: CV format bd for fresher | Download Sample-4
Your tag line goes here
Your address | Your email | You phone
Personal Profile | [Insert here] |
Career Objective/Summary | [Insert here] |
Work Experience | [Date] [Job Title] [Company Name] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Date] [Job Title] [Company Name] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Date] [Job Title] [Company Name] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] [Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks performed] |
Education | [Date] [Course] [Institution Name] [Qualification gained (level)] [Date] [Course] [Institution Name] [Qualification gained (level)] [Date] [Course] [Institution Name] [Qualification gained (level)] [Date] [Course] [Institution Name] [Qualification gained (level)] |
Skills and Achievements | Achievements: [Insert achievement] [Insert achievement] [Insert achievement] Skills: [Insert skill] [Insert skill] [Insert skill] |
Interests | [Briefly outline your hobbies and interests (particularly those that are related to the job you are applying for)] |
References | Referee 1 full name Title/Position (Work) Address Telephone number Email address Referee 2 full name Title/Position (Work) Address Telephone number Email address |
Part#6: CV format bd for teacher | Download Sample-5
Full name
[Home address]
[Telephone number]
[Email address]
Personal Profile
[Insert personal profile here]
Career Objective
[Insert career objective here]
[From – To] [Name of the Course] [Name of the College]
Your Grade :
[From – To] [Name of the Course] [Name of the College]
GPA achieved:
[From – To] [Name of the Course] [Name of the College]
[List GCSE subjects and grades achieved]
[From – To] [Job Position] [Company name]
Write your main duties which you performed your pervious company
[From – To] [Job Position] [Company name]
Your main job deion which you perform.
[From – To] [Job Position] [Company name]
Write your 3rd perform information.
Hobbies and interests
[Insert hobbies and interests here]
[Referee 1 full name]
[Job position / company name]
Address: [insert here]
Tel: [insert here]
Email: [insert here]
[Referee 2 full name]
[Job position / company name]
Address: [insert here]
Tel: [insert here]
Email: [insert here]
If you have any question please contact or commnet below the post. Thank you..