Oral Health Educational Materials (2025)

Oral Health Educational Materials (1)Initial Sensations

When you first begin to wear your dentures, they may feel loose. They may move around when you chew, which can allow food or liquid to pass under them. It can take some time to learn how to keep the dentures in place. The dentures will likely feel bulky no matter how thin they are compared to when you didn’t have dentures.

They may make your tongue feel crowded or may cause a slight gagging sensation. Until your gum ridges are used to the dentures, your mouth may feel sore or irritated. Your saliva flow may also increase temporarily.

After a few weeks, as your oral tissues get used to wearing dentures, these problems should decrease. You should see your dentist if you continue to experience irritation or excessive soreness in any area. It is normal to have your dentures adjusted several times at the beginning.


When you first get dentures, your facial expression may seem different. Dentures may improve your appearance by changing the shape of your face, and reducing facial creases. Over time, the muscles of your cheeks and lips will get used to the dentures.


It is best to eat soft foods when you are first learning to use your dentures. Cut your food into small pieces and chew slowly on both sides with your back teeth to keep your dentures from tipping. After a few days or weeks, try harder foods until you are able to eat a more normal diet. Avoid eating sticky or very hard foods until you have mastered wearing your dentures. Learning to chew with dentures takes practice!


Wearing dentures can make a difference in the way you pronounce certain words. To help overcome any speech difficulties, practice reading aloud. If the denture teeth click together when you talk, speak more slowly. Bring any problems to the attention of your dentist.

At first, you may find that your dentures become loose when you laugh, or cough, or even smile. To reposition them, close your teeth together gently and swallow.

When to Wear Dentures

Follow your dentist’s advice on how long you should wear your dentures each day.

You should always take your dentures out before bed at night, and put them back in the morning. This gives your mouth a chance to rest and helps maintain oral health.

Caring For Your Mouth

You still need to take care of your mouth when you have dentures. It is important to brush your gums, tongue and palate with a soft-bristled brush before you wear your dentures. This will remove plaque or pieces of food.

Visit your dentist yearly (even if you no longer have any natural teeth) for a complete oral examination. Besides checking your dentures, the dentist will check for signs of oral cancer, and examine your gum ridges, tongue, palate and jaw joints (TMJ).

Caring For Your Dentures

For a healthy mouth and fresh breath, make sure to clean your dentures daily. This also helps keep the dentures from becoming permanently stained.

Dentures should be handled carefully! Dropping them (even a few inches into a sink) can break the denture base or a tooth. When cleaning or inserting your dentures, hold them over a towel or a sink half-filled with water. And always keep your dentures out of reach of children and pets.

Before brushing your dentures, rinse them well. Next, apply your favorite denture cleaner to a moistened brush and clean all surfaces of the dentures. Brush thoroughly but carefully. Scrubbing too hard can damage the plastic parts of the denture or bend metal clasps.

Many special denture-cleaning agents are available (ask your dentist about them). Follow their instructions carefully. Some people prefer to use hand soap, a mild dishwashing liquid or baking soda. Household cleaners and some toothpastes should not be used because they are too abrasive. Never use bleach on your dentures!

It is best to use a brush designed to clean dentures. A regular soft-bristled brush is a good alternative. Brushes with stiff bristles can damage the plastic denture material.

Your dentures may change shape if your dentures become dry. So place them in a container of denture-cleaning solution or water when you take your dentures out at night. Never put dentures in hot water because they can change shape.

Denture Care Instructions

For questions, please call(617) 432-1434 and follow the prompts.Image by Crystal Song DMD 24

Download the printable PDFof theDenture Care Instructionspamphlet.

Oral Health Educational Materials (2025)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.