Teacher salary: How much does a teacher in Germany earn? (2025)

From children learning their abc's in a Bavarian elementary school to high school graduates at a Bremen grammar school, a teacher's salary and career prospects depends on where and who they teach. There are often drastic differences between school types and federal states.


A crisis-proof workplace, good salary, dealing with young people, fitting in a career with family life: There are many reasons to become a teacher - and many opportunities to practice the profession. The spectrum ranges from primary schools and secondary comprehensives to vocational schools, grammar schools and special education centres.

Teachers fall into salary groups depending on the school type, whether they work in a state or private school and their subject area. Teachers at state schools are categorised into "pay grades A12 to A16" As the vast majority of teachers in Germany are employed by state schools, most earnings figures are based on these "pay grades". However, anyone employed by a school can check their salary in the "pay bands" in the collective agreement of the federal states (with different regulations in Berlin and Hessen).

Each of these groups is divided into experience levels which usually range from one to nine: The more professional experience a person has, the higher their grouping and earnings. An example: A state secondary school teacher in North Rhine-Westphalia moves up the pay scale every three years during the first 10 years of their career. After this point, they will move up to the next pay grade once every four years.

What does a primary school teacher earn?

Although primary school teachers prepare the ground for children's achievements during their school career, they are classified in category A12, making them low-wage earners in schools. It is particularly unfair that in many states, studying to teach at primary schools takes as long as the teaching qualification for secondary education (comprehensive and grammar schools).

The following table shows the earnings of primary school teachers (grade A12) when they enter the profession (lowest experience level, E1 to E5) and approximately 20 years later (E8 or E9).

Salary primary school teachers in Germany

Salary primary school teacher A12Primary school teacher entering the profession E1 - E5Primary school teacher with 20 years' experience E8/E9
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania3,1454,298
Lower Saxony3,1834,042
North Rhine-Westphalia3,4594,156
Gross basic salary for a full-time job, in €
*As Berlin and Saxony do not use the pay grades, the employee salaries were used here.

Source: Salary and pay tables of the federal states, May 2017

© academics

What does a secondary or grammar school teacher in Germany earn?

As in the case of primary school teachers, the majority of teachers in secondary schools are also classified in salary group A12. Teachers in secondary schools are often confronted with challenging teaching situations. Their opportunities for advancement are also limited, as there are fewer management and coordination positions at secondary schools. The situation is different for vocational school teachers: They are usually in the salary group A13 and tend to have more opportunities to take a senior position and thus earn more money. Associations and trade unions are therefore working to bring together the salaries of teachers at all types of school in A13. In Schleswig-Holstein, they have already made some initial progress: If a secondary school teacher applies to work in North Rhine-Westphalia, they will be classified in salary group A12. However in Schleswig-Holstein, they would be in the salary group A13. A teacher entering the profession at a state secondary school in Kiel earns €3,806 per month, while in Duesseldorf they would earn €3,459. The classification and therefore the earnings of primary and secondary school teachers differs in each federal state.

What does a grammar school teacher in Germany earn?

One of the few similar features of the salary structures in each of the federal states is the classification of secondary school teachers in A13. Grammar school teachers are the best earners among state school teachers. Their career ladder also offers more options for promotion than other types of schools, as grammar schools usually need more staff for coordination and organisational duties. On average, the starting salary in Grade A13 is €3,861 and, after twenty years of employment, this rises to €4,658. The following table shows how much grammar school teachers earn in each federal state, categorised into earnings at the start of their career and after approximately 20 years in the profession:

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Salary grammar school teachers in Germany

Salary grammar school teacher A13Grammar school teacher at the start of their careerGrammar school teacher after 20 years in the profession
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania3,5284,776
Lower Saxony3,5774,505
North Rhine-Westphalia4,0384,623
Gross basic salary for a full-time job, in €
*As Berlin and Saxony do not use the pay grades, the employee salaries were used here.

Source: Salary and pay tables of the federal states, May 2017

© academics

What are the salary differences for teachers in the German federal states?

The Ministries of Education in each federal state are largely free to arbitrarily set the number of working hours and salary for teachers, which has resulted in real competition between the federal states. Hamburg leads the race for teachers' salaries. In 2015, the gross salary for full-time teachers in Hamburg was 8.7% above the national average. Saxony-Anhalt followed closely at +8.2%. The worst performers were Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate, where salaries were respectively 3.8% and 4.0% lower than the national average. In Hamburg, a primary school teacher earned €3,478 gross in the first year of employment, while they earned €3,116 in Rhineland-Palatinate. The number of compulsory hours should also be taken into consideration for a more meaningful comparison: In Saxony-Anhalt, a full-time primary school teacher has 27 lessons per week and earns €3,204 during their first year. 28.5 hours are required in Saarland, with lower earnings of €3,156.

What effects does working at a state school have on teachers' salaries in Germany?

Apart from Berlin and Saxony, all federal states employ a large proportion of teachers as civil servants. Teachers who fulfil health and professional requirements and who have not yet reached the maximum age, ranging from 40 to 50 depending on the federal state, are approved to work as civil servants. The civil servant status is desirable due to the benefits of lower tax rates, job security and supplements for teachers' own children.As a rule, civil servants' gross salary is similar to that of salaried employees. However, they do not pay any pension, long-term care or unemployment insurance, so their deductions are lower. As calculated by the education portal lehrerfreund.de, a 35-year-old full-time grammar school teacher with civil servant status with no children who has been in the profession for eight years will take home €2,820 of their gross salary of €4,030. Without civil servant status, they would receive a net salary of €2,430 per month.

What do teachers earn after being promoted in Germany?

In the case of people who enjoy teaching young people but do not want to take on any organisational responsibilities, salary increases stop at the highest experience level. If a teacher wishes to further their career, this step is only possible by reducing their time spent in the classroom. Applying for a higher salary or pay band also extends their area of responsibility. Teachers should therefore think carefully about how their desire to earn more goes hand in hand with the taking on a role involving more coordination and organisation.For example, if a secondary school teacher in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) wants to climb up the career ladder, they will need to consider the following salary prospects and exemplary tasks:

Salary development of a secondary school teacher in North Rhine-Westphalia

Official titleExamples of rolesSalary groupsGross basic salary (Experience Level 1)
LecturerSecondary school teacherA 134,038
Senior teacherCoordination of student exchange programmesA 144,288
Director of studiesSpecialist director supporting trainee teachers in schoolsA 154,954
Head teacherHeadmaster or deputy headmaster of a grammar schoolA 165,459

Source: academics

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Factors that are generally relevant in applications also count in the education system: Professionally experience, motivation, strengths and contacts. Teachers employed by the state are usually left empty-handed when selections are made for promotions, as functional and management positions are usually reserved for civil servants, apart from in Berlin and Saxony, where junior teachers are no longer appointed as civil servants.


Julia Holzapfel


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Teacher salary: How much does a teacher in Germany earn? (2025)


What is the starting salary for a teacher in Germany? ›

Teaching in Germany salary & benefits

Primary & secondary British & United States international school teacher in salary Germany €35,000 to €55,000 per annum F/T depending on experience before tax & social insurance.

Do German teachers have the highest salary? ›

A look at the OECD's annual overview of worldwide developments in 34 major industrial nations reveals that German teachers are in the upper third in terms of remuneration. The starting salary for a primary school teacher is USD 46,456 per annum, while the OECD average is only USD 28,523.

Which country has the highest paid teacher? ›

Luxembourg. According to an OECD report, Luxembourg (a European country) has the highest-paid teachers in the world. Another source indicates that a bachelor's degree holder is entitled to an initial salary of €67,000 (US $70,323.20) per annum at the start of their teaching career.

How many hours do teachers work in Germany? ›

Working hours are generally 40 hours per week. During the lecture period, the employee holds courses amounting to up to 600 hours per year.

Which job has highest salary in Germany? ›

Top 10 Highest Paid Professions in Germany 2022 - 23
  • Researchers in Biotechnology and Neuroscience. ...
  • Surgeons and doctors. ...
  • Judges. ...
  • Bank managers. ...
  • Director of Finance. ...
  • Tourism and hospitality professionals. ...
  • Engineering professions. ...
  • Sales managers.
3 Aug 2022

Do teachers pay taxes in Germany? ›

The Federal Fiscal Court of Germany published Decision No. VR 39/20 on 3 December 2021. The court ruled that self-employed teachers providing services for schools as independent teacher are not VAT exempt. Freelancers are only exempt from trade tax (Gewerbesteuer), and not from value-added tax (Umsatzsteuer or Ust).

Are teachers in demand in Germany? ›

Not enough teachers being trained in Germany

Germany's education ministers expect as many as 349.000 newly trained teachers to be deployed across the country between 2020 and 2030.

What is the cost of living in Germany? ›

On average, to cover your living expenses in Germany you will need around 934 euros per month (around $906 US dollars) or 11,208 euros per year (around $10,876 US dollars). The prices for food, accommodation, bills, clothes and entertainment are basically in line with the EU average.

Which teachers get paid the most? ›

Some move into more specialized teaching roles; some of the best-paid teaching jobs include special education and gifted education.
  1. Superintendent. ...
  2. School Principal/Assistant Principal. ...
  3. University/College Administrator. ...
  4. Professor. ...
  5. Instructional Coordinator. ...
  6. High School Teachers.

What is the good salary in Germany? ›

A good annual average salary in Germany is between €64,000 to €81,000. This gross salary (salary before taxes or social contributions) depends on your profession, industry, and education.

How do I become a teacher in Germany? ›

In Germany, teacher training is structured into two phases - the first is university-based study, and the second is practical training in a school environment. Quereinsteiger are those who enter teaching without this preparatory background and instead complete training later in life, sometimes while also working.

Which country is best for teachers? ›

Article Contents:
  • Best for job availability: China.
  • Best for job benefits: South Korea.
  • Best for professional development: Japan.
  • Best for teaching and traveling: Vietnam.
  • Best for non-native English teachers: Thailand.
  • Best for country infrastructure: Taiwan.
  • Best for work-life balance: Spain.
5 Oct 2022

What countries need teachers? ›

In Asia, China is among the countries with the largest demand for teachers. It is attracting more English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers. If you are considering Asia, countries such as Japan, Vietnam, and South Korea can be your destination.

Which country pays good for teachers? ›

The teachers of Luxembourg achieve their highest salary after a career of 30 years.

Can a foreigner be a teacher in Germany? ›

Those who have been granted 'teaching competence' ('Befähigung für ein Lehramt') can work as teachers in Germany. You can also work as a teacher in Berlin, if you acquired your professional qualifications abroad. To be able to do so, you must seek recognition of your professional qualifications.

Do Germans work on Sunday? ›

Working on Sundays or public holidays is generally prohibited, with a few exceptions. If an employee does work, the employer must compensate the employee with corresponding time off within the following two weeks for working on Sunday or eight weeks for working during a public holiday.

How much do kindergarten teachers get paid in Germany? ›

In Germany, the average monthly gross salary of a full-time employee is currently around 4,000. As a kindergarten teacher, you are usually somewhat below this average. Depending on the federal state, educators in daycare centers can earn between 2,200 and 3,500 euros gross per month.

Which job is most demand in Germany? ›

So here are the top 5 high demand jobs in Germany:
  • Electronics Engineer. ...
  • Computer Science, IT professionals and Software Developers. ...
  • Mechanical Engineering. ...
  • Account Managers / Business analysts. ...
  • Civil Engineer / Architecht. ...
  • 5 ways to BOOST your German learning QUICKLY!
2 Aug 2022

Which job is easy in Germany? ›

You can receive your license from the state to practice in Germany even if you have a foreign degree.
Top job openings in Germany:
  • Software developers, architects, programmers.
  • Electronics engineers.
  • IT consultants, IT analysts.
  • Nurses.
  • Business managers.
  • Account managers.
  • Production assistants.
  • Sales managers, representatives.
19 Oct 2019

Which degree is best in Germany? ›

Engineering is by far the most popular and one of the best degrees to study in Germany, and it usually leads to an MS degree. Mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, and electrical engineering are among the engineering disciplines chosen by students.

Is it hard to get a teaching job in Germany? ›

Germany is home to some top international schools, making landing a teaching role there difficult due to the high level of skill and experience needed and the high level of competition, you will also need to be a licensed teacher in your home country.

Can you teach in Germany without speaking German? ›

Qualifications needed

English teachers in Germany do not need to be from an English-speaking country, although the competition is fierce for non-native speakers. A bachelor's degree is also not required but may be preferred by some employers.

How many years does it take to become a teacher in Germany? ›

You are an enrolled student on a teaching degree (Lehramt in German). Your studies will take about 9 semesters, which equals 4,5 years. There are multiple teaching degrees in Germany, all of which cover a certain type of German school.

What is the cheapest city to live in Germany? ›

Top 5 Cheapest Cities to live in Germany
  • #1 Bielefeld City Germany.
  • #2 Frankfurt (Oder) City Germany.
  • #3 Halle City Germany.
  • #5 Passau City Germany.

Is it cheaper to live in Germany or USA? ›

The average cost of living in Germany ($1325) is 37% less expensive than in the United States ($2112). Germany ranked 30th vs 6th for the United States in the list of the most expensive countries in the world.

How much tax do you pay in Germany? ›

Income tax in Germany is progressive. Rates start at 14% and incrementally rise to 42%. A top rate of 45% is also present for those with very high earnings.

How much do English teachers get paid in Germany? ›

On average, English teachers in Germany can expect to make anywhere between $1,000 - $2,200 USD per month from working at a private language school with the option to earn additional income through private tutoring (€15-€30 / $17-$35 USD per hour) and teaching English online ($10-$20 USD per hour).

Do teachers pay taxes in Germany? ›

The Federal Fiscal Court of Germany published Decision No. VR 39/20 on 3 December 2021. The court ruled that self-employed teachers providing services for schools as independent teacher are not VAT exempt. Freelancers are only exempt from trade tax (Gewerbesteuer), and not from value-added tax (Umsatzsteuer or Ust).

What is the good salary in Germany? ›

A good annual average salary in Germany is between €64,000 to €81,000. This gross salary (salary before taxes or social contributions) depends on your profession, industry, and education.

How much do kindergarten teachers get paid in Germany? ›

In Germany, the average monthly gross salary of a full-time employee is currently around 4,000. As a kindergarten teacher, you are usually somewhat below this average. Depending on the federal state, educators in daycare centers can earn between 2,200 and 3,500 euros gross per month.

Are teachers in demand in Germany? ›

Not enough teachers being trained in Germany

Germany's education ministers expect as many as 349.000 newly trained teachers to be deployed across the country between 2020 and 2030.

What is the cost of living in Germany? ›

On average, to cover your living expenses in Germany you will need around 934 euros per month (around $906 US dollars) or 11,208 euros per year (around $10,876 US dollars). The prices for food, accommodation, bills, clothes and entertainment are basically in line with the EU average.

How do I become a teacher in Germany? ›

In Germany, teacher training is structured into two phases - the first is university-based study, and the second is practical training in a school environment. Quereinsteiger are those who enter teaching without this preparatory background and instead complete training later in life, sometimes while also working.

How many hours work in Germany? ›

Minimum and maximum working time

The maximum daily amount of working time must not exceed ten hours. However, the law stipulates that the working hours on business days (Monday until Saturday) must not exceed an average of eight working hours per day, ie 48 hours per week, over a period of six months or 24 weeks.

Is life better in Germany or UK? ›

Work-life balance in Germany is vastly superior to the UK. Germans value their leisure time and tend to compartmentalise work time and free time.

How much tax do I pay in Germany? ›

It's a progressive tax: if you earn more, you pay a bigger percentage of your income. If you earn less than 10,347€ per year, you don't pay income tax. The median income tax rate is around 18%. The maximum income tax rate is 45%1.

Can a foreigner be a teacher in Germany? ›

Those who have been granted 'teaching competence' ('Befähigung für ein Lehramt') can work as teachers in Germany. You can also work as a teacher in Berlin, if you acquired your professional qualifications abroad. To be able to do so, you must seek recognition of your professional qualifications.

Does Germany need English teachers? ›

Yes! Throughout Germany, there is a high demand for English teachers, especially to teach Business English at private language schools. Teachers with qualifications and experience will be in higher demand but those just starting their TEFL journey can find work too.

Can I teach English in Germany without a degree? ›

No degree? No problem! Teaching English in Germany without a degree is very much possible in a high standard country like Germany. With a TEFL Certification and the right experience, you can start getting paid for traveling across Germany and enjoying its greatness.

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