The Importance of Consistency in Design Work - Yes I'm a Designer (2024)

When you are thinking of producing amazingly creative and innovative design work it might seem a bit dull to consider the concept and importance of using consistency in the visual style you are creating.

However I promise using this piece of design theory will improve the overall quality of your designs. First off lets explore what it means in a design context, then look at why it's so crucial to good work and finish off by learning how you can introduce it into your own work.

What does the term 'consistency' refer to?

Consistency ties separate pieces of design work together, meaning an audience can immediately understand that these pieces of work are connected and are usually working together to communicate with an audience. This applies to every area of design you work in.

Think of a famous brand like McDonalds. I bet there's immediately a colour and logo that comes to mind and this is because their branding is consistent. The logo is used on their store fronts, packaging, advertisem*nts, even napkins so people remember it and it seems to be working!

Also think how weird would it be if every-time you turned a page in a magazine there was a totally different typeface which used a different pt size. This would look confusing, would be hard to read and generally would be off putting. All magazines, newspapers etc use a consistent style to ensure their readers have the best experience possible.

Why is it so important?

So consistency is used in all areas of design from packaging to UI/UX to branding and adverting. Let's look a little more at why it's so important!

It helps to build a relationship with an audience - We all like things to look and feel familiar and that's definitely true when it comes to visual design. We come to expect a certain style from a magazine or brand or website. Now this isn't to say you always have to stick to the same look and design. The trick is knowing what and how much to change.

It can save time in the design process - If you are working on a big project which involves creating work for print, the web, social media etc having a style and set of assets to work into each design provides a starting point. You also know each piece needs to work to communicate a united message and that they need to work together. So you can still be creative but you don't have to start from scratch every time!

It helps design work communicates clearly and look professional - Consistency looks professional and helps to ensure design work is communicating the intended message. A lack of consistency in design elements, sizes, colours etc can leave people confused and compositions looking messy!

Created for:Tonelada® Coffee
Designed by:
YuJo!Applied Creativity

Here there's a very obvious repetition in the choice of type through the packaging and branding. However there is also a more subtle repetition in the choice of materials used for this brand.

How to create consistency in design projects:

The Importance of Consistency in Design Work - Yes I'm a Designer (3)

Free email-course on the essentials

1. Colour

Colour is a great way to start creating consistency. A lot of big brands will have one core colour they are recognised for. Then maybe 2/3 supporting colours to add visual interest. This can also be applied to a set of illustrations etc. Colour is very noticeable and people will connect with it quickly if you use it constantly in a project.

2. Type

Typography is another thing people will notice pretty quickly. Again choosing one core font to use and then a second supporting font will mean viewers make the visual connection but the work can also still look diverse. Think about a set of posters for a new movie, it would be strange is each poster used a totally different font. People might not realise they are all advertising the same film!

3. Size/ Elements relationship to one another

This one may sound a little weird but a sense of consistency can also be achieved though the size of your design elements/assets. Having the same size titles, images or illustration in a website or publication gives the design rhythm, lets the viewer know what to expect and makes it easy for them to focus on the content. The same could be said of poster design, packaging etc.

4. Using the same imagery across all design material

In a singular design project you may need to create work for websites, print and social media and these should all share the same visual imagery (i.e photos, illustrations, icons.) These don't need to be used in exactly the same way but again this is a good way to introduce consistency. So if you use a set of icons online make sure you keep using that same set throughout the project.

Consistency in action

Created for:Annual 99U Conference New York City (2018)
Designed by:
Mark Brooks

This is a great example of consistent design elements being used across a large branding project. You can see the repetition of colour and type in particular to link all of these separate elements and designs together. There is also the use of a gradient which ties the print and poster products together but notice that it does not have to be present everywhere the branding is still perfectly recognisable when it relies on other visual devices.

Created for:26 Days of Type challenge
Designed by:Diego Morales

Here consistency is present in a totally different but equally as useful way. Each letter is made of totally different illustrative compositions, however they are all tied together by the repetition of colour, styles, shapes and the form of the letters themselves.

You can see repetition in the use of various patterns and textures. All of this means the letters look brilliant independently but also form part of a larger set, giving the project far more strength and unity.

Overall consistency creates a sense of structure for the viewer. Which helps them understand more about your product, idea or message. It also helps to form a framework for a designer to work within. Saving them time and focusing the work they create so it is as successful as possible!

Thanks for reading!

If you enjoyed learning about this piece of design theory we also have these post you may enjoy learning from:

1.Why using contrast is essential to good creative work

2.Colour combinations every designer should use!

The Importance of Consistency in Design Work - Yes I'm a Designer (2024)


The Importance of Consistency in Design Work - Yes I'm a Designer? ›

Overall consistency creates a sense of structure for the viewer. Which helps them understand more about your product, idea or message. It also helps to form a framework for a designer to work within. Saving them time and focusing the work they create so it is as successful as possible!

What is the importance of consistency in design? ›

Why is Design Consistency Important? Design consistency ensures that your website looks coherent and works harmoniously across all its different elements. Having the same functions, styling, symbols, animations, etc. throughout your website will help the usability and learnability.

Why are consistency and design important? ›

Consistency in design creates a recognizable brand identity that users will remember and associate with your products or services. This can help you stand out from competitors and establish credibility. When your digital design is consistent, users will recognize your brand more easily across different platforms.

Why is it important to be consistent with company design? ›

Brand consistency leads to brand recognition. This helps ensure your customers instantly recognize your products. Consistent branding and a strong identity helps to build trust and loyalty amongst your customers.

What does consistent mean in design? ›

Consistency in design is about making elements uniform — having them look and behave the same way. We often hear designers talk about consistent navigation, consistent page layouts, or consistent control elements. In each case, the designer is looking for a way to leverage the usability by creating uniformity.

What is the most important is consistency? ›

Consistency is the critical driver for success. Being consistent means dedicating yourself to your goals and staying focused on the things and activities to achieve them. However, it requires a long-term commitment and involves sustained effort in doing actions repeatedly until you achieve your target.

Why is consistency an important quality? ›

People who are consistent are trusted in most cases because they can be relied or depended on by others. They keep their words and act on their words too. Whether it is being punctual, keeping promises, or delivering quality work, consistency creates a sense of reliability and reliability strengthens trust.

What is an example of consistency in design? ›

Good example of external consistency is the user interface of Adobe products. Once you know Photoshop it is much easier to reuse the same knowledge to start using Illustrator and so on. Achieving these four types of consistency will help your design gain better usability and more happy users.

What is consistency in design thinking? ›

Consistency in UI design is concerned with making sure elements in a user interface are uniform. They'll look and behave the same way. This helps constantly prove a user's assumptions about the user interface right, creating a sense of control, familiarity, and reliability.

How do you maintain consistency in design? ›

Using standardized components and elements, such as buttons, forms, and icons, can help maintain consistency throughout a digital product or service. By using the same components and elements, designers can establish a familiar design language that users can easily navigate.

Why is consistency important in visual design? ›

Consistency builds trust and reliability, allowing consumers to connect emotionally with your brand. Imagine a world where famous brands like Apple, Coca-Cola, or Nike lacked visual consistency. Their iconic logos, colors, and imagery are etched in our minds, making it effortless to identify their products or ads.

What is the importance of design? ›

A Good Design Will Make You Look Good

It allows you to make a positive first impression on potential customers. It has been shown that human beings form an initial impression within a couple of seconds, but it can take a lot longer than this to alter that perception once a first impression has been made.

What is strive for consistency in design? ›

Strive for consistency

Designers can achieve consistency by using the same terminology, icons, and symbols throughout the interface. They should also ensure that similar features and functions are located in the same place and that similar actions have the same outcome.

What is consistency in design pattern? ›

Consistency patterns are a set of techniques that can be used to achieve consistency in a distributed system. Consistency is the property of distributed systems that guarantees that all nodes in the system see the same data at the same time.

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

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Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.