What is difference between substation and transformer - Knowledge - Dalian Huayi Electric Power Electric Appliances Co.,Ltd (2024)

Atransformeris an electricalmachinewhich either steps up, or steps down, voltage. Asubstationis alocationwhere transformation and/or switching takes place.

In its simplest form, a substation can be a pole- or pad-mounted transformer, together with its protective equipment (hv and lv fuses). In its most complex form, a substation can be a large fenced yard, containing several transformers, switchgear, busbar systems, and a building housing switchgear, busbar systems, and complex protective systems.

Substations do not normally contain generating plant (other, perhaps, than a standby generator).

What is difference between substation and transformer - Knowledge - Dalian Huayi Electric Power Electric Appliances Co.,Ltd (2024)
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