What to Do If Job Description Doesn’t Match Job Duties (2024)

If you find yourself in a job that does not match the job description, you have a lot of reasons to be disappointed. You can be angry, sad, or discouraged. But, before you take any action, you should consider every important aspect. If the job description does not match your duties, you should talk to your boss and resolve some of the issues. At the same time, you can develop new skills and perform your duties in a better way.

In this article, we describe what to do in this employer-employee relationship and how to solve some of the important issues at a new job.

Take some time before you react

It is a sure thing that you are frustrated and disappointed if your job description does not match your job duties. You can end up doing completely different things than you expected, and this could be a huge problem.

Most professionals want to perform duties they are skilled for, and these duties should be described in a job description. The managers should describe each duty that will be performed and this is an important aspect of each job in the company.

What to Do If Job Description Doesn’t Match Job Duties (1)

Most professionals want to perform duties they are skilled for, and these duties should carefully be described in a job description.

Sometimes, job requirements are completely different from job descriptions, and this could create a huge problem for workers. They will end up working on tasks they are not skilled for and they will be confused at the same time. This will lead to lower productivity and the overall working structure may be problematic.

If you ended up with the duties that were not the job description, you should take some time to cool off before you react. Do not immediately go to the boss’ office to complain. Try to understand what your duties are and how you can organize yourself to complete all of the new requirements.

It is estimated that a new employee needs to spend at least three months at a new workplace to become fully productive. It is not necessary to wait for three months if your role is not good for you. It may pass a few weeks before you realize that your duties are not manageable.

In this case, it is time to go to your manager and describe the situation. If he or she wants to make things easier for you, they will change your job duties according to your current skills. This will solve your problems and you will have your job duties more tailored to your actual skills.

How to approach a manager?

There is one question that arises when your job description does not match your job role. The question is “What is your job role?” and the answer can offer the clarification that you need.

If you want to approach the manager and explain your situation, you should prepare for this situation before you make this move. Be tactful and calm, and do not be angry and annoyed. Try to be professional and approach your manager with good manners.

The manager could ask you what your job role is and how he or she can help you solve the issue. You should explain the situation and tell the manager more about your job role. If it does not match the job description, you should be very precise and offer the details that explain more about these descriptions.

The manager could change your duties, and this would be an ideal situation for you. Once your duties are aligned with your skills, you will have more time to dedicate to what you truly know to do, and the overall working experience will be much better. Do not hesitate to fight for your rights and be productive as you perform the duties that you are skilled for.

What to Do If Job Description Doesn’t Match Job Duties (2024)
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