Environment (2024)

Table of Contents
A first for Apple.A major step towards 2030. A plan designed for progress .A plan designed forprogress . Impactful innovations. Powerful progress. Our first carbon-neutral product ishere. Powered by 100% clean electricity. Made with over 30% recycled materials byweight. Shipped 50% or more withoutaeroplanes.9 78% reduction in the carbon footprint of an aluminium Series9 with SportLoop through innovations in recycled materials, clean electricity and transportation.11 The proof is Cutting-edge design. Less carbon impact. Less carbon impact. Allon yourwrist. Pairings that put the planet first. Innovation is woven into our bands. A strong case for more recycled materials. Preserving the earth’s natural resources. One material at atime. Get all the details in our product environmental reports. Our products use less power. That’s powerful. Using electricity from renewable sources tomake Apple Products More recycled materials. More reasons tolove. Before plastic bottle After antenna line on iPhone 15 We’reen routetolow-carbonshipping. Aluminium with an edge. Recycled vibes only. Daisy cantakeit fromhere. Innovation means thinking inside thebox. Climate action is community action. Forestry as a force for change. Carbon removal rooted in restoration. Creating positive impact with clean energy. The fight against climatechange is a fight for economic equality. Good for you. Good for the planet. Designed with the earth inmind. iPhone iPad Apple Watch Laptops Desktops Displays HomePod AppleTV iPod Archived reports Even closer to carbon neutral. Additional Reports andResources Circular Economy Smarter Chemistry Climate Change People and Environment in Our Supply Chain Frequently Asked Questions More from Appleon the environment. Our values lead theway. Accessibility Privacy Racial Equity and Justice Initiative Supplier Responsibility Education FAQs
Environment (1)

A first for Apple.
A major step towards 2030.

Environment (2)
Environment (3)Environment (4)
Environment (5)Environment (6)Environment (7)

As our first carbon-neutral product, AppleWatch marks a milestone in our plan to make all our products carbon neutral by 2030. We’re cutting the majority of emissions through innovations in materials, clean electricity and low-carbon shipping. And we’re investing in nature-based projects to offset the small amount that remains. Because the earth won’t wait. Neither will we.

Watch the film Environment (8)

Environment (9)
Environment (10)
Environment (11)
Environment (12)

A plan designed for progress .A plan designed for
progress .

  • 20 percent of all material shipped in products in 2022* came from recycledand renewable sources.1

  • More than 300 suppliers, representing over 90 percent of our direct manufacturing spend, are committed to using 100percent renewable electricity for all Appleproduction by 2030.2

  • 80 percent reduction in shipping emissions of HomePod(2nd generation) through our transportationplan.

  • Over 70 percent reduction in average product energy use since2008.3

  • More than 40,000tonnes of electronic scrap directed to recycling in2022.

Environment (13)

Behind every Apple product is a plan for thefuture.

Made with more recycled and renewablematerials.

Using recycled materials is one of the ways we can lower the carbon impact of our products, since these materials often have a lower carbon footprint than materials from primary sources. We’re sourcing more recycled content than ever, which brings us closer to our goal of one day making products with only recycled and renewablematerials.

20 percent of all material shipped in products in 2022 came from recycled and renewable sources.1

Learn how we’re designing carbon impact out of your devices(PDF)

Environment (14)
Built with cleanenergy.

The energy that goes into manufacturing our products makes up the majority of our carbon footprint. That’s why our suppliers are transitioning to electricity generated from solar, wind and other renewable sources. So that by 2030, we can make every Appleproduct with 100per cleanenergy.

More than 300 suppliers, representing over 90 percent of our direct manufacturing spend, are committed to using 100percent renewable electricity for all Apple production by 2030.2

Learn more about the Supplier Clean Energy Program(PDF)

Environment (15)
Shipped using low‑carbonmethods.

Shipping products to retail locations and customers all over the world carries a significant carbon impact. So we’re prioritising less carbon-intensive methods, such as rail, ocean and electricvehicles.

80 percent reduction in shipping emissions of HomePod(2nd generation) through our transportationplan.

Learn how product shipping affects our carbonfootprint(PDF)

Environment (16)
Designed to use lessenergy.

To lower the carbon footprint of Apple products in use around the world, we’re increasing their energy efficiency. And when it comes to the electricity our customers use to charge their Appleproducts, our goal is for it to be covered by 100per cent cleanelectricity.

Over 70 percent reduction in average product energy use since2008.3

Learn how we’re designing products to use lessenergy(PDF)

Environment (17)
Recycled at end oflife.

Apple products are designed to be durable and long lasting, and repair options can keep them in use for longer. We also prioritise end-of-life recycling when designing them. Because all our products contain the building blocks for new ones, our disassembly robots — Daisy, Dave and Taz — take apart devices and components to recover crucial materials like gold, cobalt, tungsten and rare earth elements. These recovered materials can then be used to build the next generation of products.4

More than 40,000tonnes of electronic scrap directed to recycling in2022.

Learn more about the Material Recovery Lab(PDF)

Environment (18)
Environment (19)
We’re investing innature.
Environment (20)

We are prioritising reductions that will erase the majority of our products’ carbon footprint across their life cycle. But some emissions are still currently unavoidable. To offset remaining emissions, we’re investing in high-quality carbon removal projects that help restore ecosystems and support localcommunities.

Learn more about the Restore Fund (PDF)

Impactful innovations. Powerful progress.

We made AppleWatch carbon neutral the Apple way — through innovations in design, engineering and operations. Our approach tackles product carbon emissions from our three biggest sources: electricity, materials andtransportation.

Environment (21)

Powered by 100% clean electricity

Environment (22)Environment (23)

Made with over 30% recycled materials by weight

Environment (24)Environment (25)

Shipped 50% or more without airplanes

Environment (26)Environment (27)
Environment (28)

Look for this new logo — it means your AppleWatch is carbonneutral.

Our first carbon-neutral product ishere.

Powered by 100% clean electricity.

Electricity represents over three-quarters of the AppleWatch carbon footprint — and the biggest part of that is manufacturing. Starting in 2023, the electricity used to make carbon-neutral models of AppleWatch and watch bands will be sourced from 100percent clean electricity. This continues our work, which began in 2015, to source renewable energy and build new infrastructure, like solar and wind farms, while helping our suppliers do thesame.

To reduce emissions even further, we’re matching 100percent of your expected electricity consumption to charge your carbon-neutral AppleWatch, by investing in renewable energy projects like the IP Radian Solar project in Brown County,Texas, USA.5

Made with over 30% recycled materials byweight.

Since Series5, AppleWatch has been made with 100percent recycled aluminium in the case. Series9 also uses 100percent recycled materials in many of its components: gold in the plating and tin in the solder of multiple printed circuit boards, rare earth elements in the magnets, tungsten in the TapticEngine6 and copper foil in the main logic board. And in 2023, we added recycled cobalt in the battery of AppleWatchSeries9 and AppleWatchUltra2 as part of our goal to use 100percent recycled cobalt in all Apple-designed batteries by 2025.7 We’ve also redesigned one of our most popular bands, the SportLoop, with 82 percent recycled yarn, some of which includes material from discarded fishing nets. With these combined innovations, an aluminium Series9 paired with any new SportLoop watch band now contains over 30percent recycledcontent.8

Shipped 50% or more withoutaeroplanes.9

Shipping an Apple product by ocean emits 95 percent less carbon dioxide, on average, than shipping the same device by air. By shipping 50 percent or more of the total weight of all carbon-neutral AppleWatch models and bands using non-air modes of transportation — like ocean freight — from the factory to their next destination, we’re cutting total transportation emissions nearly in half. We also redesigned the AppleWatch packaging to be more compact — the smaller shape lets us ship up to 25 percent more watches per trip. And for the first time, this packaging is 100per cent fibre-based.10 It’s the first milestone toward our commitment to remove plastic from all packaging by2025.

78% reduction in the carbon footprint of an aluminium Series9 with SportLoop through innovations in recycled materials, clean electricity and transportation.11

Investing in nature-based solutions.
To offset the small amount of remaining emissions from AppleWatchSeries9, we’re investing in nature with high-quality carbon credits, including projects from the Restore Fund. In 2021, we partnered with Conservation International and Goldman Sachs to create the Restore Fund, investing up to US$200 million in nature-based projects that restore critical forest, wetland and grassland ecosystems, support local communities and also aim to generate a financial return. In 2023, we doubled our investment in a new fund managed by Climate Asset Management. And every project we support must meet strict third-party standards of efficacy, impact andpermanence.

The proof

in the

Closing the loop

Environment (29)

on carbon neutral.

Cutting-edge design. Less carbon impact. Less carbon
Allon yourwrist.

Maximising recycled and renewable content is key to Apple 2030, because these materials often have a lower carbon footprint than materials from primary sources. So we made our latest AppleWatch models and redesigned bands with more recycled content thanever.

Environment (30)

Pairings that put the planet first.

There’s a carbon-neutral combination for every new AppleWatch, and each has been certified carbon neutral by SCS Global Services, a leader in environmental standards and certification:

  • Environment (31)AppleWatchSeries9 with aluminium case paired with the new SportLoop
  • Environment (32)AppleWatchSE paired with the new SportLoop
  • Environment (33)AppleWatchUltra2 paired with the new AlpineLoop or TrailLoop
Environment (34)

Innovation is woven into our bands.

Our redesigned bands are as durable and comfortable as ever. The new SportLoop features 82 percent recycled yarn, some of which includes material from discarded fishing nets.12 And the new TrailLoop and AlpineLoop each contain over 30percent recycled content.

To further reduce our carbon impact, we’ve decided to eliminate leather from all Apple products, including watch bands. In its place, we developed FineWoven, a luxurious new textile made with 68 percent post-consumer recycled content. FineWoven looks great on our Magnetic Link and Modern Buckle bands.

We also collaborated with Nike to design bands that reuse excess material and waste. The NikeSportBand includes colourful flakes containing ground-up bands that create a randomised pattern, making each band unique. And the NikeSportLoop is made with repurposed yarn from previous SportLoop collections.

82% recycled yarn in the new SportLoop, including material from discarded fishingnets.

Environment (35)

A strong case for more recycled materials.

AppleWatchSeries9 and SE use 100percent recycled aluminium in the case, as have all AppleWatch cases since Series5. Our custom-engineered aerospace-grade aluminium alloy is lightweight, durable and scratch-resistant. We also significantly increased the amount of recycled material in AppleWatchUltra2 with cases that use 95 percent recycledtitanium.13

100% recycled aluminium in Series9 and SEcases.

Environment (36)

Preserving the earth’s natural resources. One material at atime.

We’ve made great progress in transitioning metals and minerals to recycled sources. This reduces our dependence on mining, which is both carbon-intensive and harmful to local ecosystems and communities. For the first time, we’re also using 100percent recycled cobalt in the battery of AppleWatchSeries9 and AppleWatchUltra2, a major achievement towards our goal of using 100percent recycled cobalt in all our batteries by 2025.7 And we’re reusing materials that would otherwise be considered waste. For example, the antenna line of AppleWatchUltra2 is made with upcycled plastic water bottles that have been transformed into a stronger, high-performance material.

100% recycled cobalt in the battery of AppleWatchSeries9 and AppleWatchUltra2.

Get all the details in our product environmental reports.

Environment (37)

Carbon Neutral


View (PDF)

Environment (38)

Carbon Neutral


View (PDF)

Environment (39)

Carbon Neutral


View (PDF)

Our products use less power. That’s powerful.

Environment (40)

Energy-saving products reduce our carbon footprint. Andyours.

Product energy use makes up almost a quarter of our total carbon footprint. It also has a direct impact on the carbon footprint of every Apple user. Designing products that require less energy is one of the major ways we can lower their carbon impact, even as they’re being used. In 2022, all eligible Apple devices received an ENERGYSTAR® rating for superior energy efficiency.14 And the transition to Applesilicon in Mac computers continues to make impressive leaps in energy efficiency. Macmini with M2Pro has a nearly 50 per cent reduction in carbon footprint compared with the previous generation, largely because of the efficiency of Applesilicon.15

Using electricity from renewable sources tomake Apple Products

Clean energy is
no longeroptional.

The emissions from manufacturing our products account for about 66per cent of our carbon footprint — but by transitioning to clean energy across our supply chain, we can erase the majority of that footprint. Since 2015, Apple’s Supplier Clean Energy Program has helped our manufacturing suppliers switch to electricity generated from solar, wind and other renewable sources. We’ve more than tripled the amount of renewable electricity in our supply chain since 2019. And as the first Apple product built with 100percent clean electricity, AppleWatch is a milestone in our transition to clean electricity for manufacturing. By 2030, AppleWatch will be joined by every Apple product.

17.4Mtonnes of carbon emissions avoided in 2022 through the renewable energy online in our supply chain.

300+suppliers committed to transitioning to 100per cent renewable electricity for Apple production.

More recycled materials. More reasons tolove.

Environment (41)

The device you
rely on most is
made with more
recycledmaterials .

What makes an iPhone an iPhone isn’t just its amazing camera, iconic look or life-changing features — it’s also its recycled materials. Recycled content isn’t new to iPhone. We used recycled plastic in the speaker enclosures as early as iPhone6. iPhone is continuing to pave the way in environmental innovation when it comes to recycled materials. Gold is an important component of hardware design, and thanks to industry-leading levels of traceability, we’ve made significant progress toward closing the loop on our gold supply chain. iPhone13 was the first Apple product to use certified recycled gold. In addition to using 100 per cent recycled gold in the wire of all cameras and the plating of multiple circuit boards in iPhone15, we’ve expanded its use to the USB‑C connector — a first forApple.

iPhone15 features many other fully recycled components, including recycled rare earth elements in all magnets, recycled tungsten and copper wire in the TapticEngine, and recycled tin in the solder of multiple printed circuit boards. We’re also using 100percent recycled copper foil in the main logic board and, for the first time, in the MagSafe inductive charger. And the iPhone15 battery uses 100per cent recycled cobalt, a major achievement for iPhone and Apple.7 Even your unboxing is designed to be better for the planet — 68 percent of iPhone15 packaging contains recycled fibre, and all the new wood fibre we use is responsibly sourced. All these recycled materials continue to make iPhone one of the most durable, safe and powerful smartphones in theworld.

Learn more about environmental innovations in iPhone15 and iPhone15Plus (PDF)

100%recycled rare earth elements in all magnets and 100percent recycled tin in the solder of multiple printed circuit boards.

99%of iPhone15 packaging is fibre-based, thanks to our work to eliminate plastic from packaging.

  • Plastic bottle before upcycling
  • iPhone 15 antenna line after upcycling

Before plastic bottle

Environment (42)Environment (43)

After antenna line on iPhone 15

Environment (44)

Little lines send a big environmental message.

Ever wonder about those tiny lines on the side of your phone? They’re easy to overlook, but these antenna lines are crucial to some of the most powerful features in iPhone. Antenna lines have to be made with non-metallic materials so that each antenna can tune to different radio frequencies for Bluetooth®, Wi‑Fi and mobile service, and allow your device to connect. The antenna lines on iPhone14 are made with upcycled plastic from bottles that have been transformed into a stronger, higher-performance material. And now we’ve expanded the use of upcycled plastic to the antenna lines of iPhone15 and AppleWatchUltra2.16 It’s just one of the ways we’re reusing materials that would otherwise be consideredwaste.

We’reen routetolow-carbonshipping.

Product shipping impacts our overall carbonfootprint.

Innovating how we get Appleproducts from manufacturers to you is just one way we’re working to reduce the carbon impact of our products around the world. Shipping a product by ocean is less carbon-intensive than shipping it by air. In 2021, we launched MacStudio, StudioDisplay and AirPods(3rdgeneration) leveraging ocean transport from suppliers. Now we’re shipping 50per cent of all new AppleWatch models with non-air transportation from factories to their next destination. We’re also working with our suppliers to implement alternative fuelling methods. As we progress towards our 2030 goal, we’re continuing to evaluate more carriers that offer delivery using electric vehicles and e‑bikes.

Aluminium with an edge.

Environment (45)Environment (46)Environment (47)Environment (48)
Environment (49)

Using recycled aluminium lowers the carbon impact of ourproducts.

Aluminium gives many Appleproducts their iconic look and makes them both beautiful and durable. It’s also how we’re lowering our carbon footprint. Recycled aluminium has 1/40th the carbon footprint of aluminium from primary sources.17 Our 100percent recycled aluminium alloy can be recycled indefinitely. We recover the high-quality aluminium scrap from our manufacturing processes, as well as from other post-industrial and post-consumer recycled sources, and put it back into new products. And we’ve expanded our use of recycled aluminium. We’re now using 100per cent recycled aluminium in the enclosures and cases of our most powerful devices — Macmini, the 14‑inch and 16‑inch MacBookPro models, MacBookAir, all iPad models, AppleWatchSeries9 and AppleWatchSE.

We’ve rethought how aluminium ismade.

For products with enclosures made with primary aluminium, we prioritise using aluminium smelted with low-carbon electricity sources rather than fossil fuels. We’ve also partnered with aluminium manufacturers and the governments of Canada and Quebec to invest in ELYSIS, a revolutionary innovation in aluminium smelting that eliminates all direct greenhouse gas emissions. In 2019, the first-ever commercial batch of emissions-free aluminium was used in the 16‑inchMacBookPro.18 And in 2022, some iPhoneSE enclosures were shipped with ELYSIS aluminium. All that recycled and low-carbon aluminium adds up to a big step towards becoming carbon neutral.

67%of the aluminium shipped in 2022 camefrom recycledsources.19

71%reduction in aluminium carbon emissions since 2015 by switching to recycled and low‑carbon sources.

Recycled vibes only.

This is what recycled tungsten feelslike.

The TapticEngine creates all the vibrations produced by your iPhone and AppleWatch, from the steady buzz of an incoming phone call, to the subtle sensation you feel on your wrist from an AppleWatch notification. These familiar vibrations are made possible by recycled tungsten. And with the help of our disassembly robots — Daisy, Dave and Taz — the tungsten from the TapticEngine can be recovered and recycled. So every vibration gets us closer to our goal of making new products without depleting Earth’s naturalresources.

100%recycled tungsten in the TapticEngine in all iPhone15 models, AppleWatchSeries9, AppleWatchUltra2 and AppleWatchSE.6

95%of the tungsten we used in 2022 camefrom recycled sources.

Daisy cantakeit fromhere.

Environment (50)

Recycled materials are the building blocks for newdevices.

Apple products are designed to be durable and long lasting, and they can be repaired and refurbished to further extend their life. But when products reach the end of their life, the materials within can be used to make the next generation of products. At our Material Recovery Lab in Texas, USA, we’re working to reclaim more of these building blocks with innovative tools and technologies.

Our team of disassembly robots — Daisy, Dave and Taz — is leading the way in recovering crucial materials like gold, cobalt, tungsten and rare earth elements from recycled devices. These collected materials make it back to the raw materials marketplace so that we, and others, can use recycled materials for the next generation of products. Improving how we source and recycle precious materials is one of the many ways we can reduce the carbon impact of our products, while working towards our goal of making new products entirely with recycled and renewablematerials.

1Tof recycled iPhonecomponents has as much gold and copper as 2,000tonnes of mined rock.20

100%By 2025, we’ll use 100per cent recycled rare earth elements in all magnets, 100per cent recycled cobalt in every Apple-designed battery, and 100per cent recycled tin soldering and 100per cent recycled gold plating on all Apple-designed rigid and flexible printed circuit boards.21

Innovation means thinking inside thebox.

Environment (51)

Every unboxing is surprising, delightful andrecyclable .

Apple product packaging is designed to be better for the environment both during production and when it’s recycled. We’ve improved the overall recyclability of our packaging by redesigning components like product trays, plastic wrapping and foam cushioning with fibre-based materials that can break down in mixed-paper recycling streams, alongside lower-quality materials like cereal boxes. All the more reason to recycle our packaging when you’re done withit.

Zero plastic in packaging by2025.

The latest innovations in labelling and lamination are helping us address the remaining 4per cent of plastic in our packaging footprint. To eliminate the need for labels on iPhone14 and iPhone14Pro packaging, we developed a custom-engineered, high-resolution printer that can print directly on the back of boxes. Eliminating these labels will avoid over 300 tonnes of plastic and more than 3,700 tonnes of carbon emissions.22 A new overprint varnish that replaces the traditional plastic lamination also improves the recyclability of our packaging while maintaining the look and feel you know andlove. And our ongoing work in improving packaging has paid off — all AppleWatch packaging is 100percent fibre-based, and made with 100percent recycled and renewably sourced wood fibre.

Our trees work for aliving.

As we eliminate plastic across all of our packaging, we’re continuing to source wood fibre from recycled sources and responsibly managed forests.23 Through partnerships with The Conservation Fund and World Wildlife Fund, we’ve protected or improved the management of more than one million acres of working forests in the United States and China. In 2022, these forests generated enough responsibly sourced fibre to equal all the new wood fibre used in ourpackaging.24

96%of our overall product packaging is made with recycled and responsibly sourced wood fibre.

1100+tonnes of plastic avoided in 2022 by switching from plastic lamination to overprint varnish.

Climate action is community action.

  • Forestry
    as a force for change.

    Environment (52) McIntosh County,
    Georgia, USA

    Environment (53)

    Black landowners are transforming the future of sustainableforestry.

    The Conservation Fund, in partnership with Apple, is working to promote sustainable forestry practices and establish climate resilience in Black and Brown communities. Based in McIntosh County, Georgia, USA, McIntosh S.E.E.D. began in 2015 as an effort to address the impacts of climate change in the coastal county, from severe drought and extreme heat, to flooding from intensifying tropical storms and hurricanes. Since then, the program has expanded to educate and empower landowners with the tools to responsibly manage their land.

    In December 2022, 20landowners and their families visited the McIntosh S.E.E.D. Community Forest in Long County, Georgia, to attend the organisation’s Sustainable Forest & Land Retention program. Together with their children and grandchildren, landowners met with forestry experts to discover and implement sustainable conservation practices while mitigating the effects of climate change on historically overlookedcommunities.

    Learn more about our partnership with McIntoshS.E.E.D.

  • Carbon removal rooted in restoration.

    Environment (54) Maharashtra,

    Environment (55)

    Nature can help us get toneutral.

    Even though our approach to designing, making and shipping products with less environmental impact is already bringing us closer to our 2030 goal, there are some carbon emissions we can’t yet avoid. To remove these emissions from the atmosphere and reach our global climate targets, we’re investing in the world’s forests, wetlands and grasslands. With Conservation International and Goldman Sachs, we created the first-of-its-kind Restore Fund to make investments in natural climate solutions while seeking to generate a financial return. Based on our learnings with these projects and the growing global need for more nature-based solutions, Apple announced an expansion to the Restore Fund in 2023. Apple has committed up to US$200million to be managed by Climate Asset Management, a joint venture between HSBC Asset Management and Pollination. This new fund will make investments in sustainable agriculture and other ecosystem assets, and build a pipeline of landscape restoration projects that aim to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. All of these efforts combined will help sequester carbon, restore ecosystems, and engage local and Indigenous communities while helping us become carbon neutral.

    Mangrove restoration protects both ecosystems andcommunities.

    Across the globe, Apple works with partners to continue the fight against climate change and the devastating effects it can have on the world’s most vulnerable communities. One such community is just 96 kilometres south of Mumbai, India. Apple, the Applied Environmental Research Foundation (AERF) and Conservation International are working together to protect the coastal area of Alibaug. Alibaug and its surrounding area are home to around 21,000 hectares of mangrove forests, whose natural processes can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it deep in their soil, plants and sediment. Apple and our partners are committed to protecting and empowering these communities by transforming the local economy to one that relies on the safeguarding of the mangroveforest.

    Learn more about mangrove restoration

  • Creating positive impact with clean energy.

    Environment (56) Diepsloot,
    South Africa

    Environment (57)

    Clean energy benefits our company, our communities and theenvironment.

    As we continue our journey to becoming carbon neutral, we’re also focusing our efforts on democratising access to renewable electricity around the world. Since 2019, our Power for Impact program has funded projects with clear carbon, ecological and social benefits, giving local communities and organisations access to cost-effective energy, while we retain the environmental attributes of each project.

    Solar projects in the Philippines, Thailand, Nigeria, Vietnam, Colombia, Israel and South Africa help provide cost-effective energy to communities facing energy challenges. Apple brought renewable energy to a South African community of over 3,500 households that previously lacked access. And by funding new rooftop solar-panel installations at a vocational school and a home for senior citizens, we’ve reduced electricity costs for communities — helping to fund operating costs and expand programs to serve underserved groups.

    Learn how we’re supporting renewable energy use around theworld

  • The fight against climatechange is a fight for economic equality.

    Environment (58) Detroit,
    Michigan, USA

    Environment (59)

    Climate solutions can help dismantle systemicbarriers.

    Communities of colour often bear the greatest impacts of climate change. Environmental solutions can help advance equity for these communities. The Impact Accelerator supports US Black-, Hispanic/Latinx- and Indigenous-owned businesses at the cutting edge of green technology and clean energy to champion equity and opportunity in the environmental sector. As part of Apple’s Racial Equity and Justice Initiative (REJI), this program helps combat systemic barriers to opportunity while advancing innovative solutions for communities most affected by climatechange.

    In 2023, we announced our third class of the Impact Accelerator, which included 12 businesses that are leading environmental services and solutions. These businesses, based across the United States, are driving innovation in energy efficiency, water stewardship, recycling technologies, green building and engineering, and other environmental areas. Many are focused on bringing clean energy, opportunity and vital services to underserved communities that are vulnerable to climate change. By connecting innovators, both in the Impact Accelerator and at Apple, we’re creating more opportunities for progress in our sharedgoals.

    Learn more about the innovators in ImpactAccelerator

    Learn more aboutREJI

Good for you.
Good for the planet.

Environment (60)

Trade in an eligible device and get credit towards a new one. And if it isn’t eligible, we’ll recycle it forfree.

Learn more

Environment (61)

Designed with the earth inmind.

Learn more about the progress of your Apple devices with our product environmentalreports.



Apple Watch







Archived reports

Even closer to carbon neutral.

We’re already carbon neutral across our corporate operations and are on the way to making all our products carbon neutral by 2030. Learn more about our latest efforts to reduce our remaining carbon footprint, fightclimate change and supportequity.

View the 2023 Environmental Progress Report (PDF)

Additional Reports andResources

Smarter Chemistry

Apple has a rigorous program to ensure the safety of chemicals used in our products. Learn about Apple’s strict standards, detailed toxicological assessments and methodology for assessing chemicals ofconcern.

Climate Change

Climate change is a defining issue of our time. Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. Below are detailed updates on ourprogress.

People and Environment in Our Supply Chain

We hold ourselves and our suppliers to the highest standards of labour and human rights, health and safety in the workplace, environmental practices and the responsible sourcing ofmaterials.

Visit the Supplier Responsibilitysite

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Apple and theenvironment.

Read the FAQs

More from Appleon the environment.

Our values lead theway.

  • Accessibility

    Our built-in accessibility features are designed to work the way youdo.

    Learn more

  • Privacy

    We design every product and service to keep your data safe andsecure.

    Learn more

  • Racial Equity
    and Justice Initiative

    We’re addressing systemic racism by expanding opportunities for communities of colourglobally.

    Learn more

  • Supplier

    We prioritise providing safe, respectful and supportive workplaces foreveryone.

    Learn more

  • Education

    We empower students and educators to learn, create and define their ownsuccess.

    Learn more

Environment (2024)


What is the environment question answer? ›

An Environment is everything that is around us, which includes both living and nonliving things such as soil, water, animals, and plants, which adapt themselves to their surroundings.

What is environment in 150 words? ›

Paragraph on Environment in 150 Words

The environment refers to the surroundings in which life exists on earth. Components like animals, humans, sunlight, water, trees, and air make up the environment. They are the earth's living and non-living components. Living organisms include trees, humans, and animals.

Are we doing enough for our environment? ›

So, are we doing enough to protect the environment? The simple answer is no. Despite considerable advances in renewable energy and carbon reduction, the globe remains strongly dependent on fossil fuels, with carbon dioxide emissions rising.

What is the best definition of environment? ›

Environment can be defined as a sum total of all the living and non-living elements and their effects that influence human life. While all living or biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds, non-living or abiotic elements include water, land, sunlight, rocks, and air.

What is environment 5 lines? ›

The environment is the surrounding in which we live. It consists of both biotic and abiotic elements. A clean environment is essential for the peaceful and healthy survival of humans. Human activities negatively affect the environment. It includes pollution, global warming, extinction of species, etc.

What is environment in one word answer? ›

The word environment means surroundings in which organisms live.

What are 5 examples of an environment? ›

Living environment examples
  • Soils, rocks, etc., as the lithosphere.
  • Seas, groundwater, etc., as the hydrosphere.
  • Air, as the atmosphere.
  • Animals, plants, etc., as the biosphere.
  • Glaciers, ice caps, etc., as the cryosphere.
  • Grasslands, deserts, artificial floating islands, etc., which combine any or all of the above.

What is environment in 500 words? ›

Environment means all the natural surroundings such as land, air, water, plants, animals, solid material, wastes, sunlight, forests and other things. Healthy environment maintains the nature's balance as well as helps in growing, nourishing and developing all the living things on the earth.

What is environment 300 words? ›

Environment Essay in 300 words

The environment is a precious gift that sustains life on Earth. It encompasses the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil that nourishes plants, and the diverse ecosystems that support a variety of species.

Is environment important to us? ›

Environment plays an important role in healthy living and the existence of life on planet earth. Earth is a home for different living species and we all are dependent on the environment for food, air, water, and other needs. Therefore, it is important for every individual to save and protect our environment.

Do we need the environment? ›

It gives us clean air, water, food, materials and space for recreation. Spending time in nature is good for our mental health. And if we do not take care of the planet, its climate and ecosystems, we undermine how our societies function, worsen our lives and, perhaps most directly, harm our own well-being.

Does environment impact us? ›

Environmental pollutants can cause health problems like respiratory diseases, heart disease, and some types of cancer. People with low incomes are more likely to live in polluted areas and have unsafe drinking water.

What is environment best answer? ›

An Environment is everything that is around us, which includes both living and nonliving things such as soil, water, animals and plants, which adapt themselves to their surroundings.

How to help the environment? ›

Ten simple choices for a healthier planet.
  1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. ...
  2. Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. ...
  3. Educate. ...
  4. Conserve water. ...
  5. Choose sustainable. ...
  6. Shop wisely. ...
  7. Use long-lasting light bulbs. ...
  8. Plant a tree.
Aug 11, 2021

What is an environment essay? ›

Essay on Understanding and Nurturing Our Environment. The environment is everything that surrounds us – the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil beneath our feet, and the diverse flora and fauna that inhabit our planet. It's not just a backdrop to our lives; it's the very essence of our existence.

What does the environment answer mean? ›

1. : the circ*mstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded. 2. a. : the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (such as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival.

What is the answer to environmental issues? ›

These environmental issues, such as climate change, pollution, and resource depletion, can have local, regional, or global impacts. The environmental issues solutions include promoting green energy, recycling, water and electricity conservation, and reducing single-use plastics.

How do you ask questions about the environment? ›

Earth > Ask a Scientist About Our Environment
  1. Why are there so many endangered animals these days? ...
  2. What kind of fossils have you found? ...
  3. Has every place on Earth been explored by humans or are there still places no one has seen? ...
  4. What do you think the future of our planet will be?

What are types of environment answers? ›

But there are two commonly known and accepted types of environment – natural or geographical environment, and man-made environment.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.