What Does a Cyber Security Analyst Do? (2024 Guide) (2024)

A Cybersecurity Analyst is responsible for planning, evaluating, and carrying out security measures to protect an organization from breaches. They monitor networks and servers to ensure that assets are safe, and they work to quickly secure data in the event of an attack.

Cybersecurity Analysts can work in various industries, so their day-to-day duties can vary. Generally, the tasks that Cybersecurity Analysts perform can be organized into five categories.

Report Findings and Develop Plans

Cybersecurity professionals should be well-versed in computer systems and networks, and should have the ability to solve problems and communicate solutions.

Despite the wide variance in job responsibilities across different cybersecurity roles in different industries, studies have shown that certain skills are universally essential for cybersecurity professionals.

A recent study from labor market analytics firm Burning Glass showed that application development security and cloud security skills were the most in-demand for cybersecurity professionals, with five-year projected growth rates of 164 and 115 percent respectively. Those skills were also lucrative, each coming with a $12,000-15,000 average salary premium. Risk management skills were next with a 60 percent expected growth rate and a $13,000 cybersecurity analyst salary premium.

Other skills that cybersecurity and security analysts need include:

Cybersecurity Technical Skills

Cybersecurity Soft Skills

A Day in the Life of a Cybersecurity Analyst

In a typical day, Cybersecurity Analysts prepare for and respond to cyberattacks, planning, evaluating, and executing security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems from attacks or breaches.

A typical Cybersecurity Analyst job description includes finding and reporting on vulnerabilities and breaches, installing encryption and firewall tools, educating stakeholders on the importance of security, and even sometimes simulating attacks to evaluate the performance of a system.

Though the day-to-day tasks will vary by job description and industry, a day in the life of a Cybersecurity Analyst will usually involve:

  • Monitoring network security to stay on top of security flaws or breaches
  • Managing and updating security software including encryptions and firewalls, while making sure that other software is being used in a secure way
  • Identify flaws and vulnerabilities through thorough testing, simulated attacks, and risk analysis evaluations
  • Evaluating company performance against industry standards and regulations
  • Developing plans and reporting finds of internal and external audits and assessments
  • Creating backups in event that the company is attacked
  • Educating stakeholders and employees on both how to stay vigilant against possible cyber threats and also the overall importance of cybersecurity
  • Researching emerging trends in cyber attacks and cybersecurity

Do Cybersecurity Analysts Code?

For most entry-level cybersecurity jobs, coding skills are not required. However, as cybersecurity professionals seek mid- or upper-level positions, coding may be necessary to advance in the field.

Though many jobs in cybersecurity do not require extensive coding skills, it can still be very useful to have programming knowledge. Not only can learning to code open up more opportunities, but it can also help in better understanding core concepts in information security. A successful cybersecurity professional often has to think like a hacker to identify potential vulnerabilities. Understanding a hacker’s programming tools can be helpful in adopting this mindset.

For someone who is new to cybersecurity, it may be advantageous to gain basic programming skills and then continue to grow your coding knowledge as you gain more cybersecurity experience.

Python is a popular and preferred programming language for cybersecurity because it is highly functional for many cybersecurity tasks, such as malware analysis and penetration testing. Some of the reasons Python is popular in cybersecurity include:

Python is easy to learn

Python is more user-friendly compared to other programming languages. It requires minimal code and is straightforward to learn, so learning Python is especially ideal for cybersecurity professionals who may have less programming experience.

Python is easy to debug

Python has less code, and therefore increased readability. This makes it easier for cybersecurity professionals to find errors and debug code, allowing them to solve problems quickly.

Python is open source

Python is a free open-source language, making it a top choice for many developers. There is a lot of information available about Python, and it is supported and advanced by a strong community of developers.

Python’s library is extensive

Python has an extensive standard library, which means that cybersecurity professionals can access tools that are readily available.

Python is multifunctional

Nearly all cybersecurity tasks can be completed using Python code, including malware analysis, scanning, accessing servers, penetration testing, scripting and automating.

Python is popular with hackers

Python is widely used by hackers, making it an essential language for cybersecurity professionals to understand.

What Does a Cyber Security Analyst Do? (2024 Guide) (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.