CCPSC: CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification (2025)

The Why, What, Where, and How of theTheCCPS Process Safety Professional Certification Designation

Why Get Certified? Recognition.

CCPSC -The CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification designation signifies more than just training. This credential demonstrates expertise in process safety practice.

Only process safety professionals with relevant process safety experience can earn this distinction. Each candidate will be rigorously screened and tested to ensure their professional knowledge and commitment to staying current with the latest developments in process safety.

The CCPSC is theauthoritative process safety credential. Take the first step toward establishing yourself as a recognized expert in process safety, start the certification process today.

How Do I Get Started?

Are you eligible to earn the credential that demonstrates your proficiency in and commitment to process safety?Just answer these three simple questions:

  1. Do you have an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university in science, engineering, math or technology, or the experience listed below?
  2. Is your post degree experience greater than 5 years for a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) (10 years if your degree is not in a STEM discipline or if you do not have a degree)?
  3. Has your process safety experience been broad and deep enough to make you familiar with the 20 elements of Risk Based Process Safety?

If you can answer yes to the above questions you are eligible to pursue certification to earn the designation CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification. Click on the link below to begin the online application process. You will be able to start and return to your application with additional information until you are ready to submit your application. Your references will be asked to attest to your professional accomplishments.

Apply here:CCPSC Application Link

What Are the Steps of the Certification Process?

As part of the rigorous review process, you will need to complete an online application and provide 3 references. Your experience will be reviewed to make sure you meet the qualifications to earn the CCPSProcess Safety Professional Certification(CCPSC). That review will include:

  • Your educational background
  • Your relevant professional process safety experience
  • Your professional references’ attestations to your professional accomplishments

Upon successful completion of that review you will be approved to take the Certification exam. If you do not pass the review you will be notified and can apply at a future date when you have gained additional process safety experience.

When you are approved to take the exam you select a date and prepare for the exam. There are three exam periods each year, so you can pick the period that best fits your schedule (and allows you the time to prepare).

Exam Periods

  • November 14 - 21, 2022
  • March 6 - 13, 2023
  • July 10 - 17, 2023

The deadline to sign up is the Friday prior to the exam. All exams start and end at noon U.S. Eastern time. Please plan accordingly.

The CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification (CCPSC)exam is given online. It is open book but must be completed within 4 hours of beginning the exam. You may start the exam at any point during the exam period. While you may use reference works in completing the exam your answers must be your own work completed independently.

Where Can I Find Reference Material?

CCPS knows that each candidate will be serious and focused when it comes to earning this certification in chemical process safety. The CCPSC program uses the framework of the CCPS Risk Based Process Safety model, however, Process Safety is a very technical engineering discipline and, as such, the candidate’s technical experience will weigh heavily in the examination. As such it is difficult to give a comprehensive reading list. To help you prepare, start with the resources below. These downloadable documents, webinars, and books available for purchase comprise the latest guidelines, techniques, and tools used by the top process safety professionals today.

Downloads - Free Resources:

  • Short summary of RBPS Elements (2 pages)

  • Longer Summary of RBPS (38 pages)


  • Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety (768 pages)

Webinars and Online Courses:

  • Process Safety Webinars
  • SAChE Courses
  • Process SafetyCourses Offered by Others

Get Certified

What Does the CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification (CCPSC) Cost?

Obtaining the CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification(CCPSC)designation provides you with a credential whose value far exceeds its cost. The CCPS Certified Process Safety Professional Certificationis a global certification that serves as an external recognition of your proficiency and your ongoing commitment to continuous improvement.

Here is the current fee schedule (US dollars):

CCPS* or AIChE Member


Application Fee



Exam Fee



Retesting Fee (first time)



Retesting Fee (subsequent times)



Annual Renewal



Reinstatement (for non-payment)

Past fees plus 50% reinstatement fee

Past fees plus 50% reinstatement fee

*Employees of CCPS Member companies.

Group Pricing Delivers Savings of 10%

Savings are available when you pre-pay for 10 or more application fees. Savings are also available when you pre-pay for 10 or more exam fees.Pre-payment does not guarantee certification and all payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.

For more information about discounts

Frequently Asked Questions & Application Process

General Questions

Why should I become a CertifiedProcess Safety Professional?

Becoming a Certified Process Safety Professional offers engineers working in process safety a way to express their qualifications as measured by a rigorous external standard. It demonstrates both a level of proficiency and an ongoing commitment to continuous improvement. Becoming a Certified Process Safety Professional can help demonstrate continuing familiarity with process safety developments.

Does the CCPSC Certification include or offer any training or prep courses?

The CCPSC is a certification that includes an application, exam, and annual renewal. No training is included in the CCPSC. We currently do not offer prep courses or sample questions.

Is the CCPSProcess Safety Professional Certification (CCPSC)Accredited?

The Certified Process Safety Professional program has been designed to be compliant with ISO-17024. CCPS may seek ISO-17024 certification after acquiring sufficient experience in operating the program.

I have another safety certification. Does the CCPSProcess Safety Professional Certification(CCPSC)program offer any reciprocity?

Not at this time.

Is the CCPSProcess Safety Professional Certification (CCPSC)program open to Process Safety professionals worldwide?

Yes, Certified Process Safety Professional is a global certification.

Is the CCPSProcess Safety Professional Certification(CCPSC) exam offered in languages other than English?

Currently, the CCPS Process Safety Professional Certificationexam is offered only in English. We expect that once we have gained operating experience in English, we will extend the program to other languages based on interest. Please let CCPS know of your interest.

Is CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification (CCPSC) Right for you?

Who is eligible to apply?

Anyone with a degree in a STEM field and five years of professional experience with a sufficient depth and breadth of process safety activities is invited to apply. Those whose degree is not in a STEM field, or who lack a degree, must demonstrate ten years of relevant experience.

What if I don't meet the education and experience requirements?

Early career professionals and students who would like to learn more about process safety are encouraged to enroll in the CCPSf Certificate program.Finishing the certificate program is based on the completion of24 courses.Learn more about the CCPSf.

I have done a lot of PHAs (or MOCs, or Audits) but I haven’t had much other exposure to process safety. Can I qualify for the Certified Process Safety Professional?

In the Certified Process Safety Professional qualification process, the applicant is evaluated for broad experience and knowledge in process safety. Applicants with a very narrow exposure to process safety may have a harder time qualifying. Applicants should keep in mind that even if they are specialized in a narrow area of process safety, their work may involve many other process safety elements. When applying for the Certified Process Safety Professional, describe your involvement in as many process safety elements as possible.

I have been practicing broadly in process safety for more than 25 years. Why should I become a Certified Process Safety Professional now?

With that experience you may be in a leadership position, and becoming a Certified Process Safety Professional will help you demonstrate to others the importance of committing to ongoing professional development and maintaining the highest standards.

I have been practicing broadly in process safety for more than 25 years. Do I qualify to be “grandfathered” as a Certified CCPSProcess Safety Professional without taking the exam?

Grandfathering is generally not permitted in a skill-based certification. The founding committee which created the Certified Process Safety Professional program had to take the exam. If you have that much experience, you should be able to complete the application and exam.

Why should I encourage my employees to become Certified Process Safety Professionals?

The CCPSProcess Safety Professional Certificationprogram offers a way for companies to appraise their employees, potential employees and contractors. The requirements for maintaining certification help support ongoing training and further development of competencies. The Certification program can help smaller and larger companies bring in talent, maintain skills, and support company requirements that tie advancement to professional credentials. It might even be of use in legal proceedings.

Will my company pay for the application, exam and maintenance fees?

CCPS is aware that some companies may cover these fees. Factors you may want to present as a reason your employer should consider funding certification include:

  • Provides a way for companies to appraise their employees, potential employees, and contractors.
  • Helps drive training and further development of competencies
  • Helps smaller and larger companies bring in talent and maintain skills
  • May be useful in legal proceedings
  • Supports company requirements that tie advancement to professional credentials
Application Process and Review

How do I apply?

The CCPS Process Safety Certificationprogram is administered entirely online. Visit and access the Certified Process Safety Professional program application through the Get Certified link.

When can I apply?

You may apply to become a Certified CCPSProcess Safety Professional at any time after you have acquired the necessary professional experience. However, the exam is currently offered during just threeexam periods each year.

How long will it take for my application be reviewed?

After you submit your application, emails are sent to your references. After three references reply, the application review can take up to 4 weeks.CCPS does not refund application fees when references do not respond.

How will my application be reviewed?

Applications are reviewed by Certified CCPSProcess Safety Professionals using standardized criteria.

My application was not approved. How can I find my weak areas?

If your application was not approved, it is an indication you do not have the required depth and/or breadth of process safety experience to sit for the exam. You can apply again once you have attained additional process safety experience. CCPS does not refund application fees for applications that are not accepted.

The CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification (CCPSC) Exam

When is the examgiven?

The exam is currently offered during three exam periods each year.During each exam period the exam will be open for 7 days. You will be able to start the exam at any time during the exam period but once you start you must complete the exam within four hours.

View Exam Schedules

What is involved in the exam?

The Certified Process Safety Professional exam is an open book exam that you take online. The exam must be completed in 4 continuous hours. There are 120 multiple choice and 6 essayquestions.Your answers to the essay questions must be in your own words.No credit will be given for answers copied from another source (i.e., a “Copy & Paste” answer).

How can I prepare for the exam?

Any materials, training classes, or experience that address the fundamentals of process safety in the 20 elements of the CCPS Risk Based Process Safety (RBPS) model would be helpful. The CCPSC program uses the framework of RBPS, however, process safety is a very technical engineering discipline and consequently,the candidate’s technical experience will weigh heavily in the examination. It is difficult to give a comprehensive reading list. For a list of appropriate resources visit theresources page.

If I do not pass the exam, can I have another opportunity?

Yes,will be able to take a second exam without reapplying, within 12 months of the first exam. You must pay theretesting fee. If you need to take the exam a third time, you will have to start over and re-apply.There is no limit to the number of times an individual can apply to retake the examination.See the fee schedule for details.

Where do I take the exam?

The exam is online and can be taken anywhere you can access the internet.

Can I have access to books, call a friend or consult the internet while answering the exam?

You are permitted to access reference materials (book, internet). However, completing the exammust be an individual effort. No assistance from anyone else is allowed, and you are required to attest that you did not use anyone's assistance during the exam. Any evidence that the examinee sought assistance during the exam will be investigated.

How will my exam be scored?

Exams are scored by Certified Process Safety Professionals using standardized criteria.

After the exam, will I have the opportunity to review any specific question or answer?

No. In order to maintain the validity of the exam the questions and answers must remain confidential.

Verification of CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification (CCPSC) Status

Can anyone at any time verify that my certification is current?

Yes, current certifications can be found using theCCPSC search tool. Click here:search tool.

Maintenance of CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification (CCPSC)

What do I need to do to maintain / renew my certification and what is the cost?

Requirements to maintain your certification:

  • Pay your annual fee
    • You do not pay an annual fee for the year in which you passed the exam or the following year.Near the end of the first full year after certification, you will be billed for the fee for the subsequent year. For example, if you passed the exam in July 2021, then the annual fee is due by December 31, 2022for the 2023dues.
    • About 3 months before the annual fee becomes due you will receive a link to pay your dues by credit card.For the annual dues, click here:Fee Table
    • If payment is 45 days past due, CCPS will send an emailwarning that your certification is in jeopardy of being revoked.If payment is 90 days past due your certification is revoked.
  • Comply with the AIChE Code of Ethics. Click here:AIChE Code of Ethics
  • Improve your knowledge in Process Safety.
  • Obtain 48 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) within each rolling 3 year period.For the first two full years after your certification, you will need 16 PDHs (minimum) per year, then the rolling 3 yearrequirement starts in year 3.
  • Obtain 1 hour of ethics training per 3 year period (included in the 48 hours).
  • Maintain a minimum of 6 years of historical data, detailing your PDH credits.
  • You must keep your own records in theCCPSC PDH Continuing Education Workbook. Click here:PDH Workbook
  • Your records will be periodically audited.
Will I receive a CCPS Process Safety Professional Certificationcertificate?

You will be provided a link for downloading a file containing the certificate.

CCPSC: CCPS Process Safety Professional Certification (2025)


What is CCPS process safety? ›

The most commonly accepted definition of a process safety is from the Centre for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). The CCPS define process safety as 'a disciplined framework for managing the integrity of hazardous operating systems and processes by applying good design principles engineering and operating practices.

What is the purpose of CCPS? ›

Central counterparty clearing houses (CCPs) perform two primary functions as the intermediary in a transaction: clearing and settlement. A CCP acts as a counterparty to both sellers and buyers, collecting money from each, which allows it to guarantee the terms of a trade.

What is a process safety specialist? ›

The Process Safety Management (PSM) Specialist is responsible for defining, managing and executing chemical risk management related projects. The PSM is responsible for managing tasks (deliverables) within timelines and able to manage his/her own time to meet Condor's profitability objectives.

How many elements are there in the CCPS risk based process safety model? ›

This online course will introduce you to the CCPS Risk Based Process Safety (RBPS) Management approach, described in the CCPS book Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety, 2007. It covers the four pillars and twenty elements that define the structure for the RBPS approach.

What is the difference between CCPS and CCD? ›

Often, companies (typically startups) are issuing convertible instruments (also called quasi-equity instruments) like Compulsorily Convertible Preference Shares (CCPS) or Compulsorily Convertible Debentures (CCDs) to shareholders/investors.

How are CCPS issued? ›

Compulsory Convertible Preference Shares (CCPS) are those shares which are issued with the terms that it can be converted into n number of equity shares after a period of time (that is mentioned in the contract or as discussed earlier).

What are examples of CCPs? ›

Critical control points are located at any step where hazards can be either prevented, eliminated, or reduced to acceptable levels. Examples of CCPs may include: thermal processing, chilling, testing ingredients for chemical residues, product formulation control, and testing product for metal contaminants.

What are the most common CCPs? ›

The most common CCP is cooking, where food safety managers designate critical limits. CCP identification is also an important step in risk and reliability analysis for water treatment processes.

How do CCPs reduce risk? ›

CCPs act as risk managers, transparently keeping collateral from the original trading counterparties to secure the trades, and reduce risk exposure via multilateral netting.

Is certified safety professional worth it? ›

As you navigate your way through the occupational safety and health field, adding certifications can significantly boost your career prospects. Becoming a Certified Safety Professional® – commonly known as a CSP® – is a worthwhile goal as you plan your career.

How do I become a process safety officer? ›

Job Opportunities
  1. B.E./ B.Tech in Chemical Engineering.
  2. Good Experience in understanding P&IDs with respect to various equipment, instruments and processes.
  3. Ability to review P&IDs from a safety perspective and provide comments to the design team.

What are process safety basic requirements? ›

Developing and maintaining process safety competency encompasses three interrelated actions: (1) continuously improving knowledge and competency, (2) ensuring that appropriate information is available to people who need it, and (3) consistently applying what has been learned.

What are the three key aspects of process safety? ›

The Importance of Process Safety Management

Process safety management includes the following elements: Hazard identification and risk assessment. Process hazard analysis. Operating procedures and employee training.

What does CCP stand for in risk analysis? ›

CCP stands for Critical Control Point, a point at which preventative measures must be applied in order to reduce, prevent, or eliminate a safety hazard.

Can CCDs be issued for more than 10 years? ›

Accordingly, Rule 2 (1) (c) (ix) Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014 states that issue of debentures, compulsorily convertible within 10 (ten) years shall not be considered as deposit and issue of the same will not have to abase by the Companies (Acceptance of Deposit) Rules, 2014.

Why is CCPS better than equity? ›

CCPS is beneficial to the promoters of the company to keep their equity stake intact at the time when the Company issues equity shares to the new investors. The Promoters may convert their CCPS which was subscribed at the time of inception of the Company at par.

Can CCD be repaid? ›

A compulsory convertible debenture is a bond that must be converted into stock at its maturity date. For companies, it allows for repayment of debt without spending cash. For investors, it offers a return in interest and, later, ownership of shares in the company.

Can CCPS be sold? ›

CCPS can be converted to equity shares. This is an option that is provided by the company while issuing the shares.

Can CCPS be issued at face value? ›

However, while converting preference shares into equity, NBFCs must receive prior approval of RBI. NBFC can issue CCPS for a maximum period of 20 years. There shall be no tax implication on CCPS, whether it is issued at par or face value.

How are CCPS valued? ›

The value of a CCPS depends on the performance of the equity share. It constitutes the preferred stock of companies that use it for fundraising purposes. It allows shareholders to take part in share price appreciation in exchange for a typically lower dividend.

How many types of CCP are there? ›

8 critical control point examples to include in your HACCP system. In brief, here are the 8 recommended critical control points you need to manage in your HACCP system.

What are the 7 critical control points? ›

These seven principles are: (1) hazard analysis, (2) critical control point identification, (3) establishment of critical limits, (4) monitoring procedures, (5) corrective actions, (6) record keeping, and (7) verification procedures.

What are the 7 steps of HACCP? ›

These 7 HACCP principles include 1) hazard analysis, 2) critical control points, establishing 3) critical limits, 4) monitoring procedures, 5) corrective actions, 6) verification procedures, and 7) documentation and record-keeping procedures.

What is the difference between a CCP and CP? ›

A CCP indicates a high food safety risk (likely to occur) and a CP indicates a low food safety risk (not likely to occur). Food safety relies on identification and control of CCP's, while, CP's may be used for quality specifications.

What are the 9 critical control points? ›

Critical control point decision trees
  • food ingredients and packaging.
  • food and beverage suppliers.
  • policies and procedures.
  • equipment and preparation surfaces.
  • food safety training programs.
  • number of Food Safety Supervisors in the business.
  • physical layout of the premises.
Jun 22, 2019

What are the two methods of identifying a CCP? ›

You can determine CCPs with the help of a question and answer template or a decision tree to individually assess the biological, chemical and physical hazards identified during your hazard analysis.

What are some risks associated with CCPS? ›

Note that that non-default and default losses may be correlated. The default of a member might cause market disturbance and increase the likelihood of operational or legal problems.
Non-default events
  • Internal/external fraud.
  • Operational losses.
  • Investment losses.
  • Losses due to litigation.

What does CCP stand for? ›

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the founding and ruling political party of modern China, officially known as the People's Republic of China.

What happens if a CCP defaults? ›

Losses arising from a member default will first be covered by the defaulting member's initial margin and default fund contribution. Excess losses will then be charged against the CCP's equity and, ultimately, the mutualised default fund.

How much does it cost to get your CSP? ›

The CSP examination costs $350 and can be purchased after your CSP application is approved. You may purchase an examination by logging in to My Profile and selecting the “Purchase Exam” menu button. You will receive an authorization code by email which you can then use to schedule your exam at Pearson VUE test centers.

How long does it take to get CSP certified? ›

Becoming CSP certified takes at least 8 years to complete. While the BCSP places equal importance on work experience and education, it's important to not stop learning while gaining work experience.

What is the pass rate for the CSP exam? ›

CSP Certification Pass/Fail Statistics
Test DateN (All)Pass (All)
May 201814466%
Nov. 201712598%
May 201713599%
Nov. 2016112100%
17 more rows

Can I become a safety officer without a degree? ›

It differs by organization, as some organisations require a specific safety degree (B.E, BSc, etc. in safety fields) while others do not demand so as the minimum qualification they ask is any degree or diploma with a basic level of safety qualification, as each firm's work mode is unique.

How much do safety officers earn per month? ›

Average R 28 085 per month.

Is safety officer in high demand? ›

With so many businesses under pressure to ensure a safe, Covid-19 compliant workplace, health and safety officers are in demand now more than ever.

Who needs PSM training? ›

In each industry, PSM applies to those companies that deal with any of more than 130 specific toxic and reactive chemicals in listed quantities; it also includes flammable liquids and gases in quantities of 10,000 pounds (4,535.9 Kg) or more.

What are the 5 elements of safety? ›

However, for you to gain the knowledge of these elements, it will likely require extra effort in understanding the 5 E's of safety - education, encouragement, engineering, enforcement, and evaluation. Education is a significant part of your strategy that will ensure you promote a safe environment and workplace.

What are the 6 elements of safety? ›

If you find that your company falls short of the guidelines, you should consider expanding your safety program.
  • Management and Leadership:
  • Worker Participation:
  • Hazard Identification and Assessment:
  • Hazard Prevention and Control:
  • Education and Training:
  • Evaluation and Improvement:
Mar 11, 2022

What are three 3 E's of safety stands for? ›

The three important E's of road safety are Education, Engineering and Enforcement.

What are the 7 core elements of a safety program? ›

Safety and health program resources and tools are listed alphabetically within each core element area below.
  • Management Leadership.
  • Worker Participation.
  • Hazard Identification and Assessment.
  • Hazard Prevention and Control.
  • Education and Training.
  • Program Evaluation and Improvement.

What is the difference between occupational and process safety? ›

Occupational safety concerns people in the workplace. Process safety deals both with the workplace and surrounding areas.

What are the 6 functional requirements for a safety management system? ›

Safety management systems have six elements:
  • A safety plan.
  • Policies, procedures and processes.
  • Training and induction.
  • Monitoring.
  • Supervision.
  • Reporting.

What are the 4 C's in health and safety? ›

The 4 C's - Competence, Control, Co-operation and Communication are a useful aid to getting organised.

What is CCP in the workplace? ›

HACCP Terminology

Critical Control Point (CCP) – A procedure/practice (control) in food handling/preparation that will reduce, eliminate or prevent hazards. It is a “kill” step that kills microorganisms or a control step that prevents or slows their growth.

What is a CCP in the medical field? ›

Certified Compliance Professional (CCP) is a certification process for healthcare compliance professionals that is offered by the Health Ethics Trust. The Trust began the process of establishing a professional healthcare compliance certification shortly after the Trust's inception in 1995.

What does CCP mean in business? ›

A central clearing counterparty (CCP), also referred to as a central counterparty, is a financial institution that takes on counterparty credit risk between parties to a transaction and provides clearing and settlement services for trades in foreign exchange, securities, options, and derivative contracts.

What does CCP mean in manufacturing? ›

A CCP is a point in a step or procedure at which a control is to be applied to prevent or eliminate a hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. CCPs may be located at any point in the food production plant where hazards need to be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to acceptable levels.

What does CCP stand for in quality? ›

Once risks have been noted and evaluated, it's time to identify the exact points in the food manufacturing process at which the risks may arise and could ultimately be controlled. These CCPs (critical control points) can be anywhere where you're able to introduce any controls.

What is the difference between CCPS and equity shares? ›

CCPS offer fixed income to the investors and compulsorily convert into Equity Shares of the issuing company after a predetermined period. The terms of conversion are also pre-decided at the time of issue.

What is CCP approval? ›

A Chief Commissioner Approval to Possess Prohibited Weapons (CCP Approval) authorises an individual or organisation to engage in activities otherwise prohibited by the Control of Weapons Act 1990. These activities may include: manufacture, sale or purchase of prohibited weapons and body armour.

What does CCP stand for in supply chain? ›


Are CCPS debt instruments? ›

All things considered, CCPS is the most used instrument for start-up investments currently, due to the liquidity advantage and repayment of share capital in an event of failure. Convertible notes are issued in the form of a 'debt instrument' to fund money to a venture in the way of a loan.

What are the three types of share capital? ›

Share capital can be classified as authorised, issued, subscribed, called up and paid-up share capital.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.